Cut skin of finger tip : Do I need to... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Cut skin of finger tip

Lukew20 profile image
42 Replies

Do I need to see a doctor for a small amount of skin sliced of my finger and my finger is throbbing I’ve covered with bandages just looking g for options as I’m very anxious about this cut 😞

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Lukew20 profile image
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42 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Lukew, how's the finger doing right now?

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Agora1

It’s wrapped well and no blood seems to be poring out just throbbing bad and painful

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lukew20

Luke, had you clean it first? Put some topical Neosporin w/pain reliever

and then bandage but keep finger up above heart by putting your arm at

your side and your forearm bent across your chest. This allows the blood

not to flow to the tip of the finger which is causing it to throb.

Watch for any changes in color of finger. If not cut too deep, it should heal

by itself. If you feel that the cut was too deep or it starts bleeding again,

of course call your doctor. Hope this helps some. :) xx

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Agora1

Helps loads thanks gonna take a look R my finger in a few hours after I’ve rested and I’ll let you know how it’s looking 😊

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lukew20

Please do, I'm here for you :) xx

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Agora1

I have health anxiety and keep thinking I’m gonna die I’m so over the top it’s scary 😂

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lukew20

I've read your former posts and am aware Luke of your health anxiety.

You're going to be okay if you just try to relax which will allow the body

to heal the finger. Keeping it clean by changing the bandage and putting

on Neosporin will keep the infection down and allow nature to heal it.

It's unfortunate that you had this mishap but I think you are able to

be your own advocate and keep yourself safe. Keeping that hand up

will help with pain and throbbing. You can do this Luke. :) xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Agora1

What did you cut your finger with?

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Agora1

Scissors 😂

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lukew20

So it wasn't rusty or deep. Just try to rest a little now

so you can settle down some.

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Agora1

Yes was just a small piece of skin but was very painful and bled a lot

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lukew20

Oh I'm sure it did hurt and bleed a lot.

But you seem to have done a good job on taking care of it. :) xx

When it bled, it cleaned the wound from the inside. Now it's time for

it to heal.

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Agora1

Ok thanks for the help really helped my mind I’ll keep you updated should only take a week or two to heal I think

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Lukew20

I’ve looked at the cut and it’s still bleeding through what should I do ?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Lukew20

How much is it bleeding? Can you apply pressure until it stops?

Is that active bleeding or old blood you are seeing?

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Dolphin14

I’ve looked at the cut it’s started scabbing a bit but the blood is not pouring it looks old blood just worried 😟

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Lukew20

Old blood is good. That means the active bleeding has stopped.

You want to keep the area clean.

I know you are worried. But the good thing is the bleeding has stopped. If it starts again just apply some pressure to it.

Whenever in doubt call the md.

But, it sounds like things are better?

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Dolphin14

Yeh I’ve took co codamol to ease the pain but yeh blood has deffo slow down just gonna keep an eye on it thanks for the reply 😊

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Lukew20

You are welcome. You will be ok.

Check in later and let me know :)

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Dolphin14

Will do gonna talk to my local doctor on phone too see what he thinks will let you know thanks 😊

rsherma profile image
rsherma in reply to Lukew20

I have health anxiety too, and it sucks sometimes.

My therapist said to control the things you can by being a healthy person and caring for yourself. Everything else lies outside your control, and no amount of worry or thinking can change that.

Best of luck friend. Try meditation if you’re open to it. Also great time to speak with a professional, as you can do it from the comfort of your home. Both have done wonders for me!

Want2BHappy3 profile image

I would? You might require stitches or a tetanus shot ?

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Want2BHappy3

Had a tetanus few years back

I just did this yesterday no joke, for a new veggie peeler and my son wanted a skinless apple, needless to say new peeler is very sharp and the whole tip of my pointer finger is missing now.

I agree with what Agora1 was saying, clean it, neosporin it, bandage it and keep it elevated. I put pressure right onto the wound with my thumb which hurt but stopped the bleeding quicker. Make sure you put something on the bandage though or else it could heal to the bandage and that really sucks.

For reference I’ve done this 3 times, my mom has done this at least twice, not the same every time I’m not that careless but yea lol.

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to

Getting Neosporin know from chemist hope it works 😊

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lukew20

It's used in the emergency rooms. Effective antibacterial ointment. :) xx

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Agora1

I just took

The bandage off and my skin had started healing into the bandage and once I pulled it off it bled a bit is that normal

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lukew20

That's why the Neosporin is important not only for infection and healing but

so that it doesn't stick as well. Otherwise each time you pull the bandage off,

it will re-open and take longer to heal. Were you able to talk with your doctor

yet. Since he knows your health history.

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to

Mine is really painful to the point I’m tearing up , it healed into the bandage but just went and bought the right stuff but pulling the bandage of was the worst pain

dom410 profile image

Make sure you do this!!

On your phone in your notes add what happened. How freaked out you were and thoughts you had.

Now write I survived, I'm ok.

I hurt myself often. (I'm a natural born klutz) I cut my finger, accidentally ran a knife in my leg. Got hit in the head when I fell off a hammock, had a hawk miss my fist and land on my head...

Because I freak when stuff like this happens I refer to look at my other misadventures for comfort that I have been hurt before and I will survive.

Be well,


Lukew20 profile image

Thanks 😊

Agora1 profile image

Hi Lukew, how is the finger today?

Were you able to talk with your doctor?

Make sure to keep it clean so it heals without

any problem. :) xx

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Agora1

I took the bandage off and it was stuck to the wound I’ve been out and bought bandage that don’t stick to wounds, my finger bled a bit after taking it off but can’t explain the pain

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lukew20

Oh I understand Luke. It's like starting from square one again.

They do sell the Neosporin under different names as well as with

pain relief in the ointment. You might want to try that

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Agora1

Can you give me the name as can’t find it anywhere In local pharmacy just keep thinking my finger is gonna die no I sound silly

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lukew20

Sorry Lukew, wasn't on most of the day. Ask the pharmacist

he may be able to tell you what he has that will help.

As Blacksheep2 suggested, going to a virtual doctor might help

relieve your anxiety over the finger in that you would be able

to show him the cut. :) xx

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Agora1

Agora I’ve changed my dressing on the wound it looks like it’s started healing but a little bit do yellow white stuff on it should I be cleaning it daily ?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lukew20

Luke, the dressing needs to be clean but you don't want to pick off

any scab that may form. Under that scab is the healing process starting.

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Agora1

Yeh I’m using clean dressing daily with the cream and it’s starting to scab up no new blood luckily 😊

Lukew20 profile image
Lukew20 in reply to Agora1

Also it keeps throbbing is that normal ?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lukew20

Lukew it really would be best you talk with your doctor. I could only get you

started on what you were to do. It's up to a doctor to let you know what's normal

and what isn't in the healing process. Without seeing it, it sounds like it's going in

the right direction. But better to be safe and contact someone who knows your history. :) xx

Blacksheep2 profile image

If it's still a concern you can go to "virtual doctor" type website by your Healthcare provider.

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