A few months back, my friend was in a terrible motorcycle accident. He nearly died. I got the phone call after it happened and my heart immediately fell to my stomach. As I sped to the hospital I prayed over and over for God to not take him. He had so many machines and tubes connected to him, it was a hard thing to take in. His internal injuries have been healed and he’s now very healthy. But, he suffers from a severe brain injury. Causing him to not be able to eat, talk, walk or anything like that on his own. He’s working hard everyday and making improvements. But it’s been a slow process. And it’s extremely hard to be patient. I just want to talk to him again. One day at work, everything just hit me at once. I started having a hard time breathing and felt very overwhelmed. I was soon diagnosed with anxiety. Everyday is a struggle, for different reasons. The smallest things can trigger me. I never had anxiety before the accident and now it’s something I live with on a daily basis. It’s something I’m trying to figure out and find tips to help with daily anxiety but nothing has seemed to work so far. I don’t think it’ll truly get completely better until my friend is as close to back to himself as he can. Until then, I’m trying to find different ways to manage it.
Motorcycle accident : A few months back... - Anxiety and Depre...
Motorcycle accident

So sorry to hear about your friend.
Something like that is such a shock to the system.
I never struggled with anxiety on the level I do until I had a break down due to a culmination of things. I now struggle with social anxiety.it’s difficult, but can be managed,
Have you had Any therapy or been to your dr,
Getting to the cause can help. Maybe you are suffering trauma after the shock of your friends accident. I’m no expert or medic so only they could really say.
Not sure how much you have gotten involved in anything to help, but mindfulness, and breathing techniques can be really helpful. Meditating is great too. It’s great your here, I learnt a lot through reading posts and generally getting involved here. We find what works for us by trial and error I found..for me some things have improved and it’s a work in progress..keep the hope,
Welcome to you and I’m glad you found us here !
Hope your friend continues to improve in his recovery.
Every good wish to you xx

Thank you for your kind words and advice. I have gone to my doctor and have been prescribed medication to help with the anxiety. My doctor also said she believes I may have PTSD from it. I have also developed separation anxiety whenever I’m away from my boyfriend because I get scared when I don’t hear from him for awhile that something happened when he was on the road. My doctor has also suggested seeing a therapist but I’m hesitant on doing that and I don’t know ehy
Oh I’m glad you have seen your dr ..I thought you may have ptsd as a result, I struggle with it too...once we know we can address it and manage it better I feel...
I hope you can see a therapist to help you too, you don’t deserve to suffer...
And it’s great to come along here and write how we feel, it helps me a lot
Good wishes to you 🌺🌺🌺 x
I hope your friend make a quick recovery. I've seen a lot of older relatives in hospitals hooked up to machines and it can be quite frightening. I suggest distracting your mind with a fun activity or engage with other friends.
I am so sorry about your friend. You must be so scared. I would say first when the anxiety comes on take slow breaths to the count of 4 in through your nose, then out through your mouth. I take my mind to a happy place or time also. Keeping busy for us is also a very good thing. Anything that can distract you. Feed positive into your mind, that will breed more positive for you as the negative will breed more negative. Fight the good fight for you, you are special there is only one you! I'm here for you. May you find peace of mind. Love, light, joy & hugs for you!

Thank you. I have tried the breathing exercise and that typically works more for me when I’m starting to have a panic attack. I have a hard time getting through these episodes on my own, usually my boyfriend is helping me through them. I continue to work through it on my own as well. Thank you again for your kind words and advice!
Hang in there & never give up, as difficult as it is in the end it's worth it. Love, peace, light, joy & hugs for you!
Have you been to a doctor? I can say from experience that it sounds like you were traumatized. You are having typical responses to trauma. There are medications and strategies that can make you feel better. Don’t tie your happiness to another person. Work just as hard as your friend at healing. Do it together. I promise even if he started speaking today, the trauma responses will still be there.
Itsme21 Anxiety is tough, have you gone to a psychiatrist and a therapist? If not, that would be my first suggestion. I have had anxiety since I have been five and not diagnosed until my twenties, a lot of wasted life. I find meditation, medication, counseling all help. I am sorry you have to go through such a hard time with your friend, but you may end up being his angel. I can not imagine his feelings through this ordeal. Hang in there I am sure he needs a friend like you. beautyoutofashes54
Thank you, I appreciate it. I’ve gone to the doctors and they prescribed me some medication but I’ve been thinking about seeing a therapist since I don’t want to always take medication. The only reason I’ve been able to keep going through all this, is because my friend is. We motivate each other and I think that’s special
That is great when you get and give support. I have learned that medication is only a tool in the toolbox for success with any mental illness. I found many things that have helped me along the way beside the pills I take. I believe that is the difference between living with a mental illness or finding mental health. Always here if you need. Blessings for your week.