I've been having crazy anxiety with all this corona virus talk.. everyday i feel a new symptom like feeling i have to cough and I've been having the worst chest pains this last week. i feel like I'm going insane, driving myself crazy and always thinking of the worst possible situations. i.e.. that i have coronavirus. am i the only one??
corona virus anxiety: I've been having... - Anxiety and Depre...
corona virus anxiety

I am feeling the same esp since I have kids. I have been in a constant state of panic and fear, crying etc... sux 😢
You are not alone. I'm extremely anxious too, but everything is going to be alright, even if the worst case scenario does happen, it will be alright. I'm tired of worrying about this, I'm going to what I should be doing and put my trust in something greater. This is what is suppose to be happening right now, remember you are not in charge. And I am not preaching to you, I've been really struggling too. But it's gonna be alright no matter what. Convince yourself of that, instead of playing this bad stuff in your head. I've been having continuous panic attacks long before this and I will after this, so I know WE ALL can make it thru this together too!

thank you so much for your comment it really does make me feel better, i recently started having horrible anxiety at the beginning of the year and now this situation is only making it harder for me, I'm trying to think positive but its so hard when i am constantly living in fear.
Yes. I think I am fine and then bam at night it all hits me. This is a very stressful situation for everyone. The only way I am dealing with it... is to remember it's ok to be anxious about this situation. It's just harder because I already have anxiety and this makes it harder. I have xanax as needed and I need it. I have been speaking to others as well and it's a tough situation for everyone. Anxiety can make you feel overwhelmed and helpless. We are here to listen and get through it. Let yourself feel and accept the bad times and allow yourself to be human.
i am the exact same way! I've been trying to tell myself its probably just my anxiety but then again there is 473920 thoughts running through my head its just very exhausting and i feel like i can't enjoy my life anymore due to all the worrying
No love, I think all of us are in that train...I've been feeling the same cough, especially when I think about it. Of course, be cautious, but our anxiety sometimes causes these symptoms
Hello pinkstarr, your definitely not alone. I too am experiencing more anxiety symptoms like shortness of breath, stomach issues, nausea, loss of apetite more fear of going out to get grocery, getting take out food. I dont watch tv, but we got our smart phones to see updates on this pandemic, it's hard not too. I try to get my mind on other things. Overall its hard to stay in your home all day and night, I get more headaches and dizziness. I dont know how retired people do it. During the day I will go out for a drive 30min. Ill probably be more agoraphobia when this is over. Our state has Madatory stay home til 4/30. Curfew 5pm. We are reaching 100 confirmed case in our state. Hang in there. Hope for the best.
i try to keep busy but i always seem to have a headache or am just tired and don't feel like doing anything, this thing is really getting to me and I'm sure you can understand as well. i wish it would all just go back to normal. thank you for your comment marc! stay safe
You are definitely not alone. I have been feeling the same way. It’s like as much as I try to shake it, sometimes it can just feel so overwhelming. I think about the symptoms all the time. I start to feel tightness in my chest and like it’s hard to breathe. Some days are better than others but like @deepthinker said we will make it through this together!
I'm having anxiety too over this virus and all the quarantine and social distancing. I feel overwhelmed with "what if" scenarios and separation anxiety over my loved ones dying or my dying. I think about it so much it seems I sleep, think, become anxious, sleep some more, and it's a vicious cycle. It doesn't help that I am broke and desperately need to do a home repair. It's all so overwhelming. I can't speak to my therapist until next week. I called and they referred me to the crisis line. I'm not suicidal. Just stressing myself out. I'm a spiritual person and have faith but the anxiety is so difficult. I'm scattered and going through cycles of repetitive thoughts and paranoia. I'm bi-polar 1 and have anxiety disorder. I am trying not to read virus news and such information because I become obsessive even more. It's just such an isolating thing to have mental illness to begin with and now with being intentionally isolating oneself it is like this bizarre equation. Anyone else relate?
I can relate! I just texted my therapist and she is doing phone consults, but its tough to feel so disconnected from everyone. This website is a good way to vent and talk through our thoughts. I am just trying to take it day to day, but everyone is talking so negative it all goes in our heads and piles up. If you think about how much negative feedback you get all day and then add in your own what if thoughts.. its overwhelming. I need to turn it off in my head.
Unfortunately, I can relate. Its like I'm ok, but then something may happen & then the anxiety hits. I live n one state & never movedmy bank acct so I do shared banking. Went to deposit money that my roommate gave me to pay bills only to discover no credit unions are doing shared banking. Now, I'm wondering how 2 deposit this money & get bills paid. Life as I know it has been shut down. I experience the shortness of breath & the worse part is I have to keep going. Don't wanna work, just wanna stay n bed with the cover over my head. 😔😔