Hi all,
Trying something new here by joining this community. I have been struggling with anxiety on and off for about the last 5 years. I have really taken a turn for the worst this last year. I haven’t seen a doctor for it since I was first diagnosed and am too scared to be seen again. Part of me wants to get help but the other part feels as if I need to handle it myself. I feel as if I suffer from extreme hypochondria. Everyday I am finding new health problems that seem so real to me. Whether it be a brain tumor or something else. I recently have been having muscle twitches in my leg the last Few weeks. I try to surpress my thoughts and tell myself it’s anxiety. But the other part of me is so sure I have ALS. I am constantly finding health issues that I think I have. I am googling symptoms daily. I wake up daily wondering if I will die that day. Everyday I worry a family member or friend will die. Part of me feels guilty for having such horrible anxiety because nothing bad has ever happened to me so I feel selfish. But some days I feel like I am cheating myself out of life because my anxiety is becoming crippling and I’m self imploding. Just curious on how other people have overcome this. I feel like I have driven my friends crazy that I can’t talk o them about it anymore.