i have begun to cross into dangerous territory. And this forum does not help. My inability to connect with others directly hampers all attempts i've made to bring myself closer to the light. And so i find myself in a void where i want to choose to heap it all unto the world.
i will delete my profile within the next 24 hours.
By doing so i will let go of one more anchor to the corporeal world, not that it means very much.
This community is for people who are not like myself.
Yes i am in pain. And this pain i have makes life unbearable, so that i wish for death. i just need a bit more courage to pull the blade one last time.
But the thing that distances me from perhaps everyone else is this fault i have with me, where i cannot feel the connection between myself and others.
if you read this, know that i tried. i failed. thats ok. sometimes we fail. we're supposed to find something to help us get back up again and carry on. But isn't depression the inability to find that thing that allows one to get back up?
over that last several years i have been getting worse. the scars are accumulating. and i have concluded that by trying to connect with others, a strategy that should help with this, i just end up with less wherewithal for myself in these darkest of times.
i won't leave you with hope. i expect this post to fade.
and all the troubles of this beautiful world, and all the pain we heap, and all the misery we share does not matter.
it just does not matter.
time moves on
the earth still revolves around the sun.
and this pale blue dot is no more significant than anything else in this o wide world.
i have stopped overestimating the value of life, and you, you should too.