I decided to reactivate my Facebook and Twitter just for a few days to post about running errands for the elderly so people who follow me can help out in any way they can. If you live close to one, ask them if they need help with anything or if you can go to the store for them, keep a safe distance you can leave the things on the porch or by their mailbox, just help in any way you can, they're more at risk so staying home is better for them..... I spent the last few days trying to find a few things for my sweet neighbor Ms Vanberg(who is always baking the most delicious sweets for me and teaching me how to sew) the stores are basically empty and toilet paper have gone extinct, then a miracle happened the last store me and spidey went to the lady told us they will receive new shipments on Friday and will save a few things for us, I think she felt bad cause she saw me with a service dog and I was literally close to tears standing in the middle of aisle 8. Remember a little help can go a long way, wash your hands and stay safe 🌻
Errands for the elderly : I decided to... - Anxiety and Depre...
Errands for the elderly
kindness is everything Danielle and will be even more appreciated now and that is very kind of you to do.
kenster1 thank you, now all we can do is hope for the best and that things will be okay soon
You are so sweet to remind people to do this... trying to be helpful & nice to one another is all we can really do right now. And I can totally understand wanting to cry... was looking for supplies online for our office & coming up empty... luckily my boss/brother saw & said he'd figure it out. Big warm & safe hugs & lots of love Sunflower ❤🌻❤🌻❤🌻
PS I hope you stocked up on chocolate while you were out.😉
Tons of people said they were going to help in their neighborhood, not one toilet paper on sight and don't get me started about hand sanatizers all gone, mom went to Costco and got me tons of snacks just in case. Sending you hugs and give Hans lots of kisses for me
Very sweet on your part I think people are so busy panicking and worrying about themselves they forget who is really at risk, the nursing home by my house is on lockdown
Things are going from bad to worse I don't watch the news anymore I don't want them adding up to my already sensitive nerves
Good to see you back for a good reason the only thing is I wished for a grass cut. Please keep your presence here were you belong davud
Daviddddddd 🌻🌻❤ I took a break for a few weeks but it's great being back on the site and always a pleasure seeing you here
Lovely post Danielle🌻was Wondering about you yesterday ..hope you’re ok
I was just going to reply on your post, we need some music, things are so hectic right now

Let her go is one of my favorite songs from passenger
Let her go is one of my favorite songs from passenger
I'm okay, took a little break 🌻

Little break is good sometimes
I thank you for your kindness and concern, the older people need to be taken care of, especially with this vile virus. You also need to take good care of yourself. I am 77 and in good health, so not really concerned, I am holed up in my house, as my outside work has been cancelled. BUT, I have a pile of DVD's and a ton of books, it the weather is nice I can go out and work in my garden. I look at it as a world war, we all need to pitch in and do our best for ourselves and others. No hogging the TP and hand sanitizers.....I read today on line how to make safe hand sanitizers with Peroxide and Aloe Vera Oil. Simple and cheap...Now there will be a rush on the Peroxide!!! So once again thank you for being a Florence Nightingale....Love & Hugs....Sprinkle 1.....
I have tons of Disney movies and musicals also scary ones too to pass the time, I'm use to to staying inside, I also have a little garden and I read every single day so staying in is not an issue I actually welcome it, they literally too all of the TP like why do you need a year worth of toilet papers?!! But I'm trying to help any way I can, I have a list of things to get for another neighbor who's over 80 and I'm hopeful I can find the things they need.
It in my playlist!!! 😄
Not playing Danielle ☹️It’s frustrating sometimes
I'm sorry, all of yours played for me
She's amazing
I'm a big fan, I even listen to her French ones
Yessssssss lol totally
That’s sweet of you, I’m a High risk senior, still try to help in my own way, bought extra Sanitizer when I saw it and gave some to a couple of senior friends who are in their 80’s driving around trying to find some.
It might be more difficult to go around trying to help if there are going to be mandatory shut downs? So hopefully there will be a compromise there?
They are asking people to stay home if they can so far no shut downs yet but I think it's only a matter of time before that happens, try to stay inside since you're more at risk, is there any family members that can help, do you have the necessary things at home?
I thought about helping the elderly as well.. but I am also afraid that if I contacted the virus that I could bring it back to them. The best thing for the elderly now would be a delivery service so they dont have to leave their homes.
I don't come close, I delivered some soup today I left some on the front porch and one of the houses I went to today I actually yelled out and ask if they needed something lol. I keep distance between them and i
You are a sweetheart Danielle. May your kindness be returned 100 fold along with yr Spidey too. 🦋💖😂🤗
❤❤❤🌻🌻🌻🌻 I even got him a mask since we're all over the place trying to help out. Stay safe hun
Awwww good job D! You are so sweet <3
Hey love where have you been, how's the job, hope you're taking care of yourself ❤❤
I've been doing okay. The job is a little boring and it's making "life" kind of boring you know what I mean? I need some excitement!!