Response to work anxiety: I'm so sorry... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Response to work anxiety

18 Replies

I'm so sorry to hear that you're having issues it just goes along with the stress of it I stopped working last June because it was completely out of control my anxiety and panic disorder. You can have to try to work through it if you can if it gets so consuming you need to really go to therapy and get the proper medications to control

It 😁😁

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18 Replies

Have you tired cbd , it’s helps with my anxiety, and depression. After I became ill last year I was drained being ill exhausted y energy, I almost lost my job literally I would sleep about 12 hours a day get up and still be exhausted now I have already been diagnosed with major depression and for the most had a handle on it but being exhausted everyday started to interfere with my work life and being as though I am apart of the NFL (No family No loved ones ) it started taking a toll on me then I started taking a cbd harmony drops and some other things that restored my energy they really help

in reply to Bulliedinlife1981

No Bullied,

I actually wanted to ask for medical marijuana to calm my nerves! I don't do drugs like this, but I'm willing to try it. Meds work, but still get nervous anxiety. I am not changing my meds. I won't be a test animal for this condition. I'm not saying not to take meds. I must and will continue, since I have some relief from vomiting! It was the worst symptom

I know what CBD is, but how is it administered? Side effects?

Thanks for input, appreciated..

Coffeegirl1979 profile image
Coffeegirl1979 in reply to

Good luck..I asked multiple doctors..this state is a bunch bs and was told no

Coffeegirl1979 profile image
Coffeegirl1979 in reply to Coffeegirl1979

Ps ..I dont take meds ...too many scary side most make gain weight..ya noooo thanks

in reply to Coffeegirl1979


I have to be on medication or I would be crippled by this illness! I couldn't take another episode of panic attacks! I literally wanted to stop feeling lousy, tired, anxious, nervous etc.

The benefits out weigh the effects. A lot of ppl go untreated for it😫

Coffeegirl1979 profile image
Coffeegirl1979 in reply to

Ik ik ...I was on propanolol extended release for 6 years a few years back .I can honestly say I had 0 symptoms while on that except for depression cuz made me not lose any weight ..bugged me ..I tried taking it now days about 4 months ago and now older had decent blood pressure at time taking it so threw bp too low where passed out horid side effect and made my asthma worse I said forget that ..

in reply to Coffeegirl1979

Word, oh dear. Not good sign.

Coffeegirl1979 profile image

Did u apply for disability for anxiety.? Jw cuz I did and still wafer a answer

in reply to Coffeegirl1979


Yes, I did last August and it's taking forever! I get anxiety and panicky about it just waiting. Now, with this crippling coronavirus in US, it will take longer. I'm so frustrated! I have bills and my spouse is paying them. On top of that, STUDENT LOAN DEFERRED BC I CANT PAY IT NOW.

You? When did you apply for DSS?

Do you have same diagnosis?

Coffeegirl1979 profile image
Coffeegirl1979 in reply to

Exactly same!!!! August!!its taking frickin forever ..starting really too piss me off

Coffeegirl1979 profile image
Coffeegirl1979 in reply to Coffeegirl1979

What state u in ? I'm in fargo north Dakota

Coffeegirl1979 profile image
Coffeegirl1979 in reply to Coffeegirl1979

And yes anxiety and panic disorder

in reply to Coffeegirl1979

Lovely Georgia Peach state.. originally, NYC

in reply to Coffeegirl1979

Yes, it's been some journey I will tell you. Hey, keep me posted about you and disability! Reach out anytime.

I sincerely hope that I helped a bit?


in reply to Coffeegirl1979

You must be freezing! My daughter dates a guy from there!

Yes, I'm so pissed off myself, who knows when our cases will be determined! 😡😠😡😫

in reply to Coffeegirl1979

I have an attorney too! I had a woman and she went to different area. Now, I have this guy who doesn't do a thing. He doesn't tell me anything or keep me informed of progress like the woman did. He is turning out to be unreliable!

Coffeegirl1979 profile image
Coffeegirl1979 in reply to

That's horid on attorney..that's 1 thing I dont have but I have 1 lined up if I get denied if I have too appeal...ya I owe alot in child support so sucks all my back pay gone .....and ya freezing is a old are ur kids oldest is 21 my youngest are 11 year old twins ...twins live with there dad ..hence the dumb bs child support lol

in reply to Coffeegirl1979

Supporting your kids is not dumb. It means you care about their well being.

Yes on attorney! It's 6 k for my case. Back pay will pay, but I don't know if I will get it or not? I don't want to act like I am. Attorney gets nothing if I don't get it, which is fair. I hope I don't need to appeal 🙏🙏🙏 I would be crushed

Daughter 34 and son almost 30

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