I'm new here and I'm not sure why I came. I mean, I'm having a panic attack but there's nothing anyone can do for me to make it stop. I keep telling myself I'm okay, it's just a panic attack. I haven't had a bad attack like this in a long time - I found that some herbal supplements worked to stop them so I've been taking them whenever the symptoms appear. Unfortunately, today they aren't working. And that's causing me to feel a certain amount of fear. I wonder if I'm making any sense.
Panic Attack: I'm new here and I'm not... - Anxiety and Depre...
Panic Attack

Hello blueslite. I hope you can find a way to control your panic attack. I haven't had any panic attacks, but I have had plenty of crippling anxiety attacks and I know how hard they can be. Just know that there are many people on this site that have helped me and can help you. Do whatever you need to do to feel better.
There really isn't anything I can do. I'm shaking, my arms and legs, as if I'm shivering from being cold, except that I'm not cold. Maybe I should lay down and try to sleep. I tried earlier but got back up after 15 minutes because I started to feel worse, I didn't feel this bad when I laid down.
Hi blueslite, it's probably better while experiencing the symptoms of a panic
attack, to move your muscles. Walk, Pace but don't lie down. The Fight or Flight
response is high right now and you want to use up that extra adrenaline until
you start feeling tired. Then find a comfortable chair and tune into YouTube
Deep Breathing for Panic Attack Relief. Getting your breathing pattern back
in sync will in itself calm the Mind/Body Response. Wish you well xx
I'm already exhausted - I've been awake for almost 24 hours right now. I used my stair stepper but I can't do much on it, my legs are very weak. The problem is I'm 72 and although I know this is a PA I can't help but think that it could be something worse. There are some youtube videos by a man who has a very calming effect and I've fallen asleep to his videos before. Being here, having someone reply to me, is very helpful. My breathing is okay, it's just the shaking and the disturbing thoughts that I need to overcome. On a brighter note, I've had much worse panic attacks than this. Thank you for the advice.
blueslite, have you had this before where it lasted so long?
Why have you been awake for 24hours? We are not doctors so I can only
suggest that if you feel this is any different than you've ever had or if these
symptoms have lasted longer than usual, it is best you call your physician.
Our goal is to offer comfort and understanding but keeping you safe as well.
I wouldn't go on the stair stepper that is too strenuous. The shaking is from the
fear you are experiencing it constricts the blood vessels. I usually throw a large
bath towel in the dryer for 5 minutes and then wrap that around my shoulders.
Instantly the warmth of the towel will relax your shoulders and calm you down
some. I hope you get some relief soon. We're always just a message away. xx
Thank you. I was awake for so long because I couldn't sleep. It's happened before over the years, not often but nothing unusual. I recently lost my ex-partner/current housemate of 30 years - he had a heart attack in his sleep and I found him dead. That was on December 15. Five days later I had to have emergency surgery on my throat. So it's been quite a bad start to the new year and most likely the reason for the escalation in panic attacks. I have a lot to do now and I'm pretty much alone except for my niece and her husband, they're helping me as much as they can. I went to bed about 12:30am and just now woke up. I feel better, the panic attack is gone. I need to eat something and then I'll go back to bed.
Dearest blueslite, my sincerest sympathy goes out to you on the loss of your partner.
I am so terribly sorry. Along with your emergency throat surgery, it doesn't surprise
me that panic has taken over. Are you in therapy right now? It's so important to deal
with your grief but also what may be PTSD in all that happened to you in a short time.
This site is all about receiving comfort and support during our most difficult times of
life. Please reach out anytime you feel alone and overwhelmed. Hearing from others
who understand can help lower your anxiety and fears. Sending you a warm and
gentle hug. I care xx
Thank you. I spent 7 days in the hospital and then 13 more in rehab because I was quite weak after the operation. Part of the reason for that, other than my age, was because in the past year I'd become quite sedentary. My partner and I hadn't been getting along for some time. Right now I need to focus on cleaning out my house (rented) and trying to find a senior living facility. I've let things get very bad here, I just gave up on everything a long time ago. Waiting times for senior housing are a few years, but that fluctuates, sometimes you're lucky, sometimes you're not. It also depends on the location of the apartments. Dealing with the loneliness here is hard. Even living in discord with someone is, to me, better than having no one here at all. I've been having panic attacks for 3 years. Thursday was the first time in a year that the herbals didn't work, so instead of taking them when I begin to get symptoms I've decided to start taking them as a preventative, one when I wake p and another one later in the day. I have so many things to work on here but I procrastinate all the time. I have no motivation. I've gotten some sleep and feel much better. I know part of that is from coming here and hearing from people. It's good to have a place like this to go to and I appreciate the replies. And the hug.
blueslite, your response touched my heart. I know of many people who stay in
an unsettling situation rather than be alone. It's always difficult to make changes
which I can respect is what you are having to go through now. I think once you are
into a senior housing, life will look a little brighter for you in having people around you. The hardest part now is getting yourself motivated to make the move. Do you
have family or friends who can help? By all means, please continue to use this forum as an emotional support. Hearing from others in the same position may help
you know you are not alone. We all go through different stages of life and can relate
to each other. Take care blueslite, we are but a message away. xx
Agora1 Thank you so much. You're very kind. It's quite difficult to deal with all the work I need to do now. I don't have any family to speak of other than one niece and her husband. They're in their 50s and both of them work. But they're doing what they can to help me - shopping, banking, and other errands. My niece's husband is working on getting my car back into running condition, I haven't driven it in a long time. I usually went shopping with my partner in his car and then I stopped even doing that, I became pretty much of a recluse, I allowed life to beat me down. the strong, independent woman I was years ago is gone. And I think to myself "Where am I now when I need me so much?" Then I just sit here and cry. Yes, being in a senior apartment will be better but it won't be for some time. I have so much to do here and I know that's weighing heavily on my mind, causing stress and most likely the escalation of the panic attacks. Cleaning out this total mess I have is a big problem. I can't imagine anyone letting things get so bad in their house as I have. I'm sleeping better since I came here - talking to people online is a big help, it's conducive to thinking in a positive vein rather than being consumed with negative thoughts all the time.
You are describing my symptoms. I haven't found anything to help with the shakes. Sometimes I can walk some of it off. Can you give that a try?
I went to sleep. I'm not often bothered by panic attacks as I find that herbal supplements work well in stopping them. I don't know why yesterday was different. I do have a lot of stress right now and maybe that's why. Getting shaky like that isn't usually what I've experienced, although it has happened in the past. The first 2 years that I had panic attacks was the worst, I had many different symptoms. The past year has been much better until yesterday. I feel okay now.
I’ve been dealing with some panic attacks lately. Mine have woken me up from sleep before. My heart will race, and I shiver as well. For whatever silly reason I think I’m going to die, even though I know it’s just a panic attack. Usually I just have to wait them out, or I try and focus on something else. Sometimes laying down makes them worse for me too because I start to focus on it again. I hope you feel better and are able to get some rest tonight.
A few times I've awakened in the morning having a panic attack. When I first started having them I thought I would die from something, that it was more than just a panic attack. The herbal supplements I've been taking have spoiled me - I haven't had anything worse than minor symptoms for almost a year. Until today. I think I'll be able to sleep. I'm quite exhausted now. Thank you for the reply.
I've learned a lot from a lot of the people here about my panic attacks. A lot of us feel them coming, like I do right now. I find when I come here, with people who understand, it helps me lesson my fears.
Walk around , keep walking and breathe in , and out it will pass. As walking you can also repeat saying something. I say my two grandchildren names.Also I have a mat you lay on its like acupuncture , works great!❤️

Thank you. I feel better now. When the weather warms up I'll be able to walk outside. For now I'll have to walk around in the house.
This is the name of the mat Pranmat, there are several brands. Try to buy one of the best ones, they go on sale. It has given me so much relief. You slowly lay back down on it making sure if you have a mold covered with bandage, because you don’t wear a top, put a cover on top of you, because when you done you will feel a little chilled. As you are laying on it put on some nice music, close your eyes. It will hurt a little because it’s like pins like acupuncture , but as time goes on you sink down into, your body, and mind just calms down, you start feeling so relaxed, and mind is cleared, it takes about 20 min. I myself all of a sudden my body takes a deep breath by itself when you done. . I never in my life would think this would work but it does, it can also be used for back, neck pain etc.
Hello Blueslite,I have periods of time when my anxiety is not bad and other times when my anxiety is so bad and I am having severe panic attacks. Typically I am going through something worse in my life. You may want to talk to a counselor,a psychiatrist and see about techniques to help and you may need to try a a prescription medication for the panic attacks.
Panic attacks are so scary and it is nothing to mess with.This group is great for support.Support is what you need. Any other support you can get will really help.