Ducking Valentine's Day as Best I Can - Anxiety and Depre...

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Ducking Valentine's Day as Best I Can

55 Replies

It's six pm here and I've managed to get this far today without hurting myself so I'm calling that a win. Here's a tip, if you want to avoid happy couples on Valentine's Day, go see a horror movie in the early afternoon and there's a good chance of having almost the whole theater to yourself. Hope everyone else is having a good one or at least getting by as well as can be expected.

55 Replies

You aren’t alone. We’re all here💛

in reply to

Thanks, it's good to know that I'm not all alone in this.

MrZee profile image

I’m glad you took care of yourself and remained vigilant on a day that’s difficult for a lot of people.

Congratulations on your win!

in reply to MrZee

Thank you for the support.

Win for sure!!!! 👏🏼

in reply to courageovercomfort

It sure is!

We’re here💛

HeyHarlie profile image

I tell myself I'm okay with not having a significant other or any friends. That I'm okay being lonely but, the loneliness was so bad today that I messaged an ex that wasn't good to me or for me just to have a few minutes of conversation and not feel lonely. Didn't do myself any favors with that one. Wish there was an easy way to make some friends as a depressed, isolated, stranded adult but💁‍♀️😖

in reply to HeyHarlie

The advice that everyone gives to single people is to rely on their friends but when you don't have any the whole day becomes a waking nightmare. Loneliness is more painful than any physical pain I've ever had, I wish I knew how to make it go away for us but I've yet to stumble on that magic combination.

HeyHarlie profile image
HeyHarlie in reply to

Me as well. Some days I can get through without thinking about it much but, most days it's suffocating bc I sit around bored with nothing to do, nobody to talk to, and nobody that would even know or care to check on me if anything happened. I used to like being alone when I was younger but I still had people. Now I wish I had people. It would be nice to have someone to hang out with every once in awhile.

SHCM profile image
SHCM in reply to HeyHarlie

I understand perfectly how you feel, I have days like that. There are days that I just go out and walk around the stores just to feel some human contact and hear people talking

in reply to SHCM

Going out can be a double edged sword, it's good to see other people but when I see people hanging out with their friends it can still hurt because it seems like that's never going to be me.

SHCM profile image
SHCM in reply to

I feel the same. I live in a place where I don't know many people, and the ones I know they don't show like they care about make any connection. They are not actually my friends just people I have met.

jesca18 profile image
jesca18 in reply to

Yes! Exactly. How can you lean on friends when you don’t have any?! Whenever someone suggested I call or go out with a girl friend it would make me want to cry bc I had none. And the few I have now are always so busy and usually are spending their free time/ holidays with their partners.

in reply to jesca18

I know Galentine's Day in theory is a beautiful way to celebrate with your friends regardless of whether or not any of you has a partner but it places another burden on people who are completely alone.

SHCM profile image
SHCM in reply to HeyHarlie

Sorry you are feeling like that, loneliness is terrible, I have learned how to live without a romantic partner, but I still would like to find someone one day, but right now the most I miss is having friends around, people to talk to and share things. I also wish for an easy way to make friends, I understand how it feels.

HeyHarlie profile image
HeyHarlie in reply to SHCM

It's very difficult. Most people havre made their friends throughout their lives. I moved around a lot as a kid then cut everyone off when I was escaping a domestic violence situation. It's left me completely cut off and alone and most adults already have their friends and aren't interested in making new ones

SHCM profile image
SHCM in reply to HeyHarlie

True. I hope you can overcome all that. Im here if you need to talk. Talk help me a lot.

HeyHarlie profile image
HeyHarlie in reply to SHCM

Thank you. It's does help sometimes. Right now I'm dealing with my depression and the flu so lots of fun over here lol

SHCM profile image
SHCM in reply to HeyHarlie

Feel better soon

in reply to SHCM

Making friends has never been easy for me, at school I was friends with anyone who would talk to me. As I got older and that day to day situation with people changed, I no longer had people talking to me and all my friends just fell away. It seems like other people make friends so easily and it's not that way for me, plus I worry that if people found out I have no friends there is no way they would want me for a friend.

jesca18 profile image
jesca18 in reply to

I too have run into that dilemma.. not wanting to tell new friends that I have no other friends

HeyHarlie profile image
HeyHarlie in reply to jesca18

Exactly. Most people don't understand how depression affects our lives and when they hear that they just distance themselves.

HeyHarlie profile image
HeyHarlie in reply to

That's how I feel. Not to mention the depression. A lot of people don't understand and think I can just choose to not be depressed. I'd like to find a depression support group. It may be a way to find a couple people who understand and make some friends but without transportation it's difficult.

in reply to HeyHarlie

You could try to see if there are any support groups near you.

HeyHarlie profile image
HeyHarlie in reply to

Where I live I'm completely stranded. There's not even public transportation

in reply to HeyHarlie

I'm sorry, that's is difficult.

HeyHarlie profile image
HeyHarlie in reply to

It is. I wish some of the people on here lived closer. It'd be a great way to make some friends

Timmypliskin profile image

Good luck and your not alone.

HeyHarlie profile image
HeyHarlie in reply to Timmypliskin

Thank you

Timmypliskin profile image
Timmypliskin in reply to HeyHarlie

Have you ever noticed that dealing with any strong emotions, good or bad, can trigger symptoms? I cant even watch much TV or movies, as I get to caught up, and get overly emotional.

HeyHarlie profile image
HeyHarlie in reply to Timmypliskin

Yes, anything can trigger symptoms in me depending on the day. It's awful

Timmypliskin profile image
Timmypliskin in reply to HeyHarlie

Exactly, I'm waiting on a doctors appointment, I've tried to avoid taking medication, but I'm willing to try anything at this point

HeyHarlie profile image
HeyHarlie in reply to Timmypliskin

I went without medication for years bc I felt that way but that sent me into a spiral in which my depression got so bad I stopped leaving my house for years. So now I'm trying to find one that works. I wish I had gotten on medicine before it got this bad

Timmypliskin profile image
Timmypliskin in reply to HeyHarlie

it's hard. Its sad to think I could have started something a year ago and possibly be feeling better,

Just trying to stay positive

Timmypliskin profile image
Timmypliskin in reply to HeyHarlie

Exactly the same have gotten to the point where I have no choice, the anxiety and related issues are out of control

HeyHarlie profile image
HeyHarlie in reply to Timmypliskin

Exactly. Now I sit around depressed just praying for something to start working

Timmypliskin profile image
Timmypliskin in reply to HeyHarlie

Yup... and the sitting around waiting does not help...😶

HeyHarlie profile image
HeyHarlie in reply to Timmypliskin

No it doesn't. It's awful

Timmypliskin profile image
Timmypliskin in reply to HeyHarlie

I've said many times, if the doctors had to spend a week feeling how we do... the entire process would speed up dramatically

SHCM profile image
SHCM in reply to Timmypliskin

Yes is true, now I can't watch any movie or TV show that involve too much sadness because it triggers my anxiety, some of them I have to watch with someone, I have always like comedy and now is what I try to watch the most, laughing helps me to forget about my anxiety.

in reply to Timmypliskin

Thank you, it's good to have people who listen.

bonkers65 profile image

Yes they say for people with depression to turn to your friends and family for support but I don't have either. So I know how you feel.

in reply to bonkers65

Which just feeds into the depression and exacerbates it. It's an ugly cycle. Thank you for understanding.

jesca18 profile image

I feel for all of you in this thread. I really do. Please don’t hesitate to message me any time to talk 💛

How are you feeling?

in reply to

Ok. It's over so that's all good. Are you doing well?

in reply to

I sent you a PM.

in reply to

Weird, I didn't receive it.

in reply to

That is so weird? Well I basically said my day turned out well as far as my plans but it felt so different and hard, towards the end I wanted to revert back to old behavior. For me that’s reaching out to toxic people because I’m so lonely. Instead I messaged here and it really helped!😊💛🤞🤓

in reply to

I'm happy that you got something positive out of being here!

What horror movie did you watch?

in reply to

The Lodge. It's a slow burn, psychological horror movie.

in reply to

Hmm ok. Don't know it. Sometimes those type of movies are just right for the mood. Whatever that says about me lol.

newbie1956 profile image

My heart breaks for anyone who has no family or friends.

On the other hand many do have families or "friends" but that can be worse if they hurt you... Such a common problem unfortunately.

There's no magic, movie or music that will bring a cure for lonliness. It's a temporary fix. Been there, done that... And depression doesn't help.

Sadly, true friendship eludes many today. But does it have to be that way? What does it take to forge a lasting friendship?

I'm sure my suggestions won't be popular but what I'm offering is a life with genuine friends (who will be loyal). Utopia? No, because none of us are perfect, but better than fake friends :)

Here are my 3 heartfelt suggestions:

#1. Call a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses anywhere in the world (we're everywhere) Request a visit with someone who will come to your home at a time convenient to you.

#2. Attend a meeting at any Kingdom Hall. There you will be greeted warmly with no obligation. And no collections are taken. No collection plates are ever passed. Happy people will welcome you and be glad to help with any questions or concerns.

#3. Last but not least, visit JW.ORG for more info. You'll find over 900 different languages and subjects which are interesting and timely. JW.ORG has helped millions to know more about GOD and his purpose for mankind.

Thank you for reading my invitation. Hope your weekend is productive :)


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