Anyone else feel scared to feel “okay” like even when you do have a good day and don’t feel that sick, you worry as to why you feel okay and it scares you even more?
can’t stop worrying : Anyone else feel... - Anxiety and Depre...
can’t stop worrying

Yes, totally. but it is good that when we have those good moments we recognize them and give them importance, just as we do with the bad moments. It is a reflex to say "I feel bad" when things are wrong, but we don't usually do the opposite. Try to do it, when you have a good time, where there are no nerves or discomfort or chaos or anything, pause what you are doing and recognize it, say "I feel good at this time and it is good".
We must feed the positive in us
Yes ! Me all the time . My brain tells me I can’t feel good basically it’s like not allowed . It’s so unfair
I know! I get really suspicious when I’m not feeling sick in any kind of way, like you said like it’s not allowed. That if I feel good it’s only right that Something bad is gonna happen, I hate it
I can relate 100% I keep trying
To remind myself
This is only
A feeling
On anxiety talking .
A thought
And nothing
Of significance and to ignore that nasty voice of anxiety !
Yes I do. That’s my normal anxiety mode. Build worry self destructive repeat
Yes! For me I’m afraid to allow myself to feel good because when the anxiety hits, it seems to hit me harder and catch me off guard. It’s like if I’m always in worry mode or on guard then when something bad happens it’s as if I’m braced for it.
I do try and be better about just relaxing and enjoying a good day instead of pushing myself to do too much when I feel good.
I find myself looking for things to worry about but I do try and let the non worry days be good . I’ve started intense yoga about 6 months or so ago and go every day and watch my weight , I lost 50 pounds and have about 5 to go. But if you can get yourself focused on something good it helps a little , health anxiety sucks and worry sucks. You almost have to force yourself to try new things. Prayers and hugs. Keep in touch
I ABSOLUTELY do, afraid to feel Happy and if I do something’s bound to go WRONG? I try to be a good person every day feeding someone who’s homeless, giving elderly friends rides to their doctors appointments things like that make me feel good. I stay in the house a lot scared for something to happen? I doubt decisions I make, it seems like I black out from my anxiety, when this happens it affects my diabetes cause I won’t eat, I get shaky feel like fainting. I desperately want to be HAPPY, the minute I do, I tell myself it’s NOT going to happen? My
I soooo understand what you mean. Feeling good, or not feeling bad feels like a symptom of something almost like an ache, then I realize, duh, there’s nothing wrong. I call my therapist and leave a message that nothing is wrong. Call a couple friends and tell them, things are ok. Someone above mentioned acknowledging the good things that happen so you can get used to not just feeling bad all the time. It’s like an atrophied emotional muscle. I guess, you have to stretch it out little by little, each day.
Good luck and know you are not alone on your journey.
Yes! Then I think “ oh tomorrow will probably be bad lol” isn’t it awful. I like what Ghost said earlier
dah, yea. always.