Dear HealthUnlocked Community:
As a result of recent activity, we would like to share some reminders about the general terms of use for this community. We, as administrators, are committed to ensuring a respectful dialogue through which all participants have the opportunity to express themselves. That being said, please note:
1) Posts which contain prohibited content (business solicitations, explicit content, etc.) will be removed. Posts which contain inappropriate language (curse words) may be edited by administrators. This includes inappropriate usernames.
2) Should you see posts you feel violate the terms of use, your recourse is to report the post to the administrators. Community members should not try to police others’ posts – please allow the administrators to handle any inappropriate content. If you disagree with an administrator’s decision please message the administrators rather than continuing to engage on the post.
3) Community members should recognize that not all content a particular user finds inappropriate or offensive will be considered in violation of the terms of use. Each individual should take care of themselves and not engage in posts they find offensive or triggering. Posts with controversial topics such as religion or politics will be carefully reviewed once reported but, for example, the mere mention of religion does not justify removal. Posts referring to illegal activities will be removed.
4) Please understand that this community consists of more than 50,000 members from around the globe with roughly 12,000 posts per month. It is impossible for administrators to review each post in real-time. Reports of Abuse will be reviewed as quickly as possible but there may be periods of time where responses are slower than others (e.g., holidays, weekends, evening hours).
Thank you,