I am new here and very nervous about sharing. I have panic attacks and get so very frightened every time I leave my house. I feel very alone in this and thought maybe if I find someone else who understands maybe it will help. Not sure if this is the right place, on line is scary too.
leaving my house is more and more scary - Anxiety and Depre...
leaving my house is more and more scary

You are not alone in how you feel many people suffer from social anxiety including me. Don't be afraid to reach out. Give it a chance .like your handle name. Take care.

Thanks you Allinthemind75. I am grateful for your response. It is good to find I am not alone in this.
Well hello there! You have for sure come to the right place... I was agoraphobic for a good 30 years...it is possible to conquer it...
I understand exactly how you feel about this...brings back memories of going through it....not in a bad way though...shows me the power I do have now...
No need to be scared of me... I'm a 61 year old great grandma..... and loving. Let me know if I can be of help to you...if it's easier for you...go ahead and shoot me a pm.....
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs ~

Thank you PeachyLisa Just answering these posts is a little frightening. I am such a wimp. It is good to hear you overcame agoraphobia. I have been there, gotten better, then now have gotten lots worse. I like your joyful atttitude. Thanks for sharing.
Well no need to be afraid of me.. I promise you that...
Keep battling for yourself...the reward in the end will be huge for you...you did it once ...means you can do it again.. I've got your back and will help you in any way I can...
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Ilovemydogandcat!
I recovered from panic attacks, anxiety, and acrophobia around 40 years ago. I have never relapsed because if I think I might, I start doing whatever it is that I fear. Basically that is the key to over coming these issues, doing what you are afraid of.
I remember the fear very well and it doesn't trigger me to talk or think about it. I am a stronger person for having gone through this . Pam
Hi Pam Thanks for replying. You are right, the way out is to do what I fear, but I am afraid. I need to find some baby steps. Perhaps reaching out here counts and will give me strength to take steps in the non computer world. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too ! As I recall my doctor prescribed Valium for me to use when I first started attempting to go out. It helped in the beginning when I was so scared I could hardly move. Eventually I got to the point where I was ok just taking a pill with me in case I needed it and then after awhile I was okay without anything. This was so long ago I have trouble remembering. It's good to remember fear doesn't hurt you although it is very uncomfortable. Take your time. Pam
Just joined this site so hi to everyone, I have also been suffering anxiety and panic attacks so I know exactly how you are feeling, it's very difficult for people who don't suffer them to understand where we are coming from, I'm a mature university student and I'm struggling to go atm, makes me mad that I can't just to uni
Hi Sadlady21 Yep. Family and friends can see the anxiety and panic attacks and some are very kind about it, but no one really understands. (unless they experience it themselves) I want to hide it from everyone, but that just doesn't happen. ....so I hide me from everyone. Good for you for going to university at your age (I'm assuming that by "mature" you mean you are older than most university students) Anxiety makes everything more difficult. I hope you are giving yourself credit for the effort this takes. Be proud of you and keep it up!
I'm new here also and am suffering the same as u atm, u know how u feel its so difficult to get myself in the right mindset to do what I need to do. How are u feeling in yourself, I'm feeling low and emotional which is not like me at all, I just want to feel happy again but I'm not sure that is ever going to happen
You replied again in spite of the fact that I did not. I have been scared to jump in and start sharing here. Getting into the right mindset is a good way to put it. I don't have solutions, but am glad to know we are not alone. Hopefully the emotional low you are in now will pass soon. You said this is not like you at all, so it must be really frustrating.
Yes I am older than a lot of the students lol, yes it is very frustrating for me because I never used to feel like this, I was never the sort of person that would hide away but that is all I want to do but I know I can't, I really feel for people who suffer so bad that they can't leave the house it must be so painful for them. My low today is not to bad but that's probably because I've been to uni today, it does really help getting out and talking to people. How are u feeling?
Getting out and talking to people is helpful to me at the time, but I pay for it later. I do well with one and only one other person at a time. I went to a friend's daughter's shower the other day and am still paying for it. I don't understand why I stay mentally messed up (extra anxious) for days and days after I push myself. I have kept the curtains closed and only step outside enough to take the dog potty. I really really really need to take the two of us for a walk. We both need it.
It can be so scary having to do things that take us away from the safety of our homes, I look at it like, well I'm fine at home so if I'm fine at home then I will fine away from, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Being in a his anxiety phase is so exhausting I found that out yesterday when I got home because I had put all my efforts in to going out, it really is very hard, if I think I need to go to the shops my brain goes, are u sure u want to do that, u might freak out and people will look at u, so I don't go, its a terrible thing to have to try so hard just to go to the shops
You mentioned the fear of people looking at you when you freak out. I really relate to that. I usually try to always have a way to hide, I always try to know where the bathrooms are, and I really like those pilars that are often along the aisles of the grocery store. I can kind of hide between the pilar and the shelves pretending to look at an item until I calm down. Then get out of there!
Hi Sadlady , I have to butt in to tell you many years ago I was in the same situation . I had anxiety etc. was going to therapy, and decided to get my degree. So I went to classed doped to the gills for the first semester ( see above replies ) I'm not sure what I worried about most, my age, being smart enough ,or not freaking out. I just want to commend you for your bravery and courage and to let you know it is possible to achieve your goals. I did earn my degree and had a 30 year career teaching art anxiety free. Although it is hard to do it is very much worth it. It set the tone for the rest of my life. I wish you all the success possible. Pam
I hate to have to leave the house. For me, though, it's more the lack of motivation stemming from depression. Once I'm out, I'm mostly okay. It's just such a chore to make myself do it. Yes there's some anxiety about driving or riding in the car. And some social fears. But I'm usually very glad I've done it.
Welcome to the site. Keep posting and let us know how you're doing.