I was scrolling and reading and came across someone who said “ been there, done that, meds don’t work, get to the root of your problem!” We’ll I believe that to an extent!! I’ve had absolutely NOTHING to worry about when this started at the age of 18!!!! I don’t have to pay a bill!!!!! I’m lucky I married a great man!!!! But I’m 53 and in my early marriage I couldn’t leave the house! Became alcoholic, suicidal! This was not from “something in my past!” I still suffer from depression and anxiety. I have to be on meds to get out and volunteer, go to AA. Etc. I didn’t appreciate that post at all!!!!! I’m sure trauma for some people trigger this. But not for me!!!!! I was told it’s an imbalance! I’m all worked up lol. It all started when I smoked pot and had a horrible experience. But I can not help how my brain works!!!!! It’s been decades!!!!! Been there done that with every kind of therapy!!!! I’d be dead without my meds 💯 percent!!!!!!!! So this bullshit I read has me angry. Everything he said was right on, getting out of our heads, doing things. Therapy is a good idea also! But some people need meds!!!! Hence -suicide, homicide maybe!!! My meds helped me have a normal life!!!!!! I still get episodes of panic and depression! Everyone is different! Jesus I feel like I’m defending my meds and questioning them! Not fair at all!
Not happy with a post: I was scrolling... - Anxiety and Depre...
Not happy with a post

I agree 100%. Some people think that depression is curable, I mean sure you can get better, but does it ever really go away? I've had depression since 6th grade when they put me on an anti-depressant to help me sleep and I'm only 16. I've done everything they say to get better, but I can't seem to get better

I’m sorry! I know it’s awful!! I wouldn’t wish it on anyone!!! I’m sorry I sounded rough. But maybe therapy worked for him.. great! But thank god there’s meds. Not that I like being on anything but I look at it as someone with diabetes or something.. they need there meds. I hope you have a good day!!!! Ty for replying
There is such a thing as a chemical imbalance that all the therapy and A.A. in the world can't fix. I am in the same boat as you and CANNOT afford to question my need for meds. Even my A.A. peeps tell me that.
And yes it makes me angry when people don't see things the way I do, but let them have their opinion. We have a right to ours.
I too need medicine and will take it the rest of my life. Keep going to AA. Alcoholism is a disease and so is depression. Maybe that person can find the help he needs w/therapy only but millions cannot. It was insensitive of whoever to comment that. Be proud of yourself!
I agree it is upsetting to see post like that and in some cases frightening. Frightening because it makes some who are looking for comfort get discouraged. Upsetting for the ones who know those medications/ techniques have saved their lives. We also have to understand that most people are in the darkness that anxiety and depression bring on. We have all been there at one point. It is best to just continue to support those who post things like that. Our kind words (regardless of our true feelings) could save someone from their trigger warning post. Remember......most of us have been at that “bottomless pit of doom” in our thoughts.
I have seen so many doctors but nothing compares to the positive support I have received on here in my TIMES of need.
Let’s try and replace the anger with patience and understanding.
Yes very true! The support is wonderful and you don’t feel like your crazy. The person needed to say “ what worked for me” He is not a Doctor. If I read that newly dealing with depression, I’d feel guilty for taking meds!
That commenter CLEARLY hails from the school of "Walkin' it off". Although that may SEEM O.P., if someone spends enough time studying say... martial arts, you learn very quickly just how fragile we humans truly are. If not for our big-brained problem solving and creative weapon craft, we wouldn't be the apex predators that we tell ourselves we are. Said commenter was likely just deluding him or herself, by typing something to sound tough.
Ultimately, we're all a unique collective of flaws and weaknesses; some can be worked on through will and training and others require meds. There's NO shame in meds; our big-brained forefathers invented those things for a reason. I wish you the best on your own unique path toward health and wellbeing.
Hi i too was told i have an imbalance and been on meds forever. I was wondering if you would want to share your experience after you smoked pot and how you felt because pot was what triggered me too
Wow! Of course!! It sounds funny right. But I smoked pot once in 1986 and I laughed. I was 18 and had a party at my house. I smoked pot and starting helosanating ( however ever spell) I felt I was out of my body, I was paranoid. I made my brother drive me to ER lol. I ran in and told them I was dying!! I laid in a bed not hooked to anything and I asked a nurse “ am I going to die?” She said maybe. Well I was a wreck.. I guess she was trying to scare me more. Meanwhile a party was going on at my house. I finally got home and couldn’t shake that paranoid detached feeling. Since then until this very day and I’m almost 53,.. when I get a attack it’s exactly how I feel!!! I drank to calm my nerves. It worked for a while, I’ve been in aa forever. But when I get that detached feeling, my fear is I’m going nuts and not coming back. Tell me about your experience. So I feel my attacks started then because I was 17-18. Back then panic attacks were not heard of. Meds helped me through the years. I always wonder about that pot. It was either laced or I smoked too much. I wonder why my attacks started after that? Ughh
Wow how cruel that nurse was!
My experience happened a week or so after the birth of my first child in 1983.
I was exhausted baby wasnt a good sleeper up all nite few nites in a row. Well i was overtired and when she did sleep i had a hard time falling asleep so my husband suggested i smoke a little to relax me and get some sleep. All of a sudden this scary feeling came over me its hard to describe i thought i was going crazy and i remember crying and saying over and over again "whats happening to me!" I didnt go to the hospital but maybe i should of? My husband tried to calm me down,told me to think of something happy like our wedding day but i just couldnt be consoled. We thought the same thing that the pot was laced with something and i would be better in the morning but i wasnt. I was what i now know was depersonalization. I went on with this feeling of detachment for months wondering if i had gone crazy and wishing i could be normal again. I finally after several attempts of telling dr. How i felt was refered to a pyscharist. He immediantly put mme on anti anxiety and anti depressants and had lots of talk therapy. After a few months i gradually got back to my old self. That pyscharist and the meds literally saved my life. I am 59 now and i have gone off the meds and been good for a while but always had to go back on them when ever anything in life stresses me out. Ive come to accept ill probably be on them the rest of my life and im fine with that. Do i like being on meds? Of course not but it sure beats the alternative.
And thanks for sharing and hope you are doing well.
Omg I’m sorry this happened to you!!!! I’m so glad you said something to me! I swear it’s just like me!!! Maybe we had the same batch lol. Omg wasn’t it awful!! Honestly the hospital did nothing for me!! Just got a bill and had to tell my mom 😳. I swear to God that is how I still get!!!! My name is Holly by the way! I hope we can chat sometime!!! I don’t like meds either, but at this point in my life... what can I do. I’ll have to tell you a story of what an ER dr. Told me!!! I was very young having a panic attack, they looked me over. ( I still didn’t know it was panic) she said you are fine , you need a psychiatrist! She was so mean! I’d love to chat!!! I hope you have a good day!!!!❤️
Yes id lovr to chat more also im going to be busy for the rest of today maybe later tonite?
I only realized in the past few yrs that it was severe anxiety and derealization. No internet to look stuff up way back then lol
Part of my depression is environmental, and another part is brain chemistry. I take meds, have for years, and could not function without them. Do what is best for you!
I too could not function without meds as I have recently discovered. I had been on them for 20 years and after much therapy and many positive and healthy lifestyle changes I thought I could forego them. Boy was I wrong! My mind and body did terrible things to me - I was sobbing all
the time, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I felt worthless and had completely lost pleasure in every aspect of life. I continued to do yoga, meditation, mindfulness exercises, therapy, travel, spend time with friends, family and pets, make gratitude lists, journal, exercise, take vitamins but I was deeply depressed, anxious and suicidal. Life was pure suffering! I went back on meds and am slowly recovering. Meds have saved my life.
Hi spooky, You dont have to defend your meds to me. I know its a chemical imbalance for me also and i need my meds. Meds can be an important part of treatment for most people with depression, so i dont agree with that post either. It seemed kind of one-sided. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but i think therapy and keeping busy is only part of the equation. Meds are another part.
Thank you!! I made my password spooky99 name of my dog. I didn’t think it was going to be used Lolololol.
so cute lol
😂😂 aw bless, what breed is your dog? Do you ever find that when your depression/anxiety are at their worst, that your dog can sense it and does having him/her help when you’re struggling? xx
Yes!! I have 2 shih tzu s ! They are my kids! They are always around me. I think they can sense if something is wrong! I love them more then my own children lololol
Aww shih tzus are so cute. My dog is a pekingese, looks a little like a shih tzu. I love my girl too. Shes 15 now and on her last leg. I will miss her SO much when shes gone. Im sure i will be needing some support then. Glad to have this site to go to. I hope you are having a great day!!!! Watching some comedies to cheer me up lol
Have a good rest of your day!!! Hope to chat again soon.
me too, would have a tough time without the meds, and my spouse would as well, always better if you can do without them, but for many of us they are unfortunately essential to our existence. there are many on here who don't really have an anxiety disorder, they simply have general anxiety issues. not the same at all.
That was a person who responded to my post. I wasn’t happy with what was said either
I hope your feeling better! Some days are just worse then others. I hate being on medication. But I need it. I find if I go to the gym I feel better. So you think I’d be skinny lol. Do you have any hobbies ? Walking helps. The weather makes me depressed too lol. I feel better in the spring and summer. 🤗