Our nervous system is fully able to repair itself like any other part of the body. All it needs is a period of peace and quiet to be allowed to do so. But all too often our response to the symptoms of anxiety disorder denies our nerves the period of calm they crave in order to recover.
All too often we fight our anxiety. But fighting only causes stress and tension. Our nervous system needs peace and quiet and we give it more stress and tension - and wonder why we're not recovering.
All too often we respond to the flash of first fear caused by our symptoms with second fear. Sometimes we frighten ourselves half to death imagining we have life-threatening illnesses. Once again the fear hormones we generate cause further sensitivity of our nervous system preventing the calm it needs to rest and recover.
All too often we stress and obsess about our symptoms causing more nervous anquish instead of the peace and quiet our nerves need.
It's like constantly picking a scab which only makes sure it won't get better.
In fact, the best way to help our jangled nerves recover is to do nothing. No more fighting, no more flooding our nerves with fear hormones and no more obsessing and stressing.
Instead we should passively and fearlessly accept for the time being all the strange thoughts and feelings that over sensitised nerves send our way.
By doing nothing more than simple acceptance we create the tranquil conditions for our nerves to rest, recouperate and recover in accord with the natural healing process.
As I've said before, we win not by the punches we give but by the punches we take.