I was having chest pain all day yesterday accompanied with nausea and just the overall “not well” feeling. Finally by night it overcame me and I freaked out and went to the ER and had chest X-ray ekg and bloodwork yet again, and nothing was found. This time I didn’t find comfort in knowing nothing was found because I still feel not well. Everyone is tired of hearing how I feel and now I’m more worried that something will be wrong in the future and no one will believe me because I’ve done this so many times. I’m so tired of feeling like this and I feel so hopeless
ER once again : I was having chest pain... - Anxiety and Depre...
ER once again

I also went through that, I understand you perfectly, in a week I went to the doctor up to 4 times, in one of them I had very strong tachycardia and a numb face, when the doctor saw me he my blood pressure and made me an ekg, all normal, and I seeing all that feeling what I felt at that moment is difficult not to think that I am losing my mind. The only thing that helped me understand a bit was doing exercise, because I am not totally well but I am not like months ago and I think that if I had something on a physical level I could not exercise, I could not run for 40 minutes or do weights or ride a bike, also I highly recommend that you do a little meditation and breathing exercises, all that will put your body in order and so you can understand that the problem is in the mind and against it is that you must fight. One day ay the time, start with something easy and you will be noticing sole good chances.
Thank you I’m trying to exercise and mediate, just wish i could feel better immediately I know I’m impatient because I want to feel better right now
Well, I don't think immediately it's possible, you must understand that what you are going through did not come quickly, it was something that grew for a long time until it overflowed and is what you feel now, the solution will also take some time, but do your part, exercise meditate enjoy each positive steps and learn from the negative ones, eventually you will ser changes
When we have anxiety or depression mainly anxiety we start getting little things we obsess over on bad days..
U have to try to get out of that space by finding “ YOUR THING”, ie some people read, yoga classes, pilates, watch a film, run, go to gym.. walk dog any thing to take ur mind away from that obsession...
Ur is obviously ur health and chest pains which chest pains is the main sign of anxiety as it tightens ur chest due to shallow breathing and making ur cheat tight... what u need to do is deep breath.. lay on floor or bed and do some really deep breaths ie in count to 10 ... out slowly count to 10.. do this 10 times and it should stop u panicking...
Coz as u said u will become known at A&E and they will put a warning note on ur files saying “ hypochondria due to anxiety” and u wont get seen .. there basically leave u hoping ur go.
I know this as my friend is a nurse.
Also mayb some therapy .. if u can find a hynotherapist even better.
I used to have this obsession when my anxiety was bad that i couldnt swallow... like my throat had swollen and i would choke on all my food.. it was awful but i knew it was me.. i was finding something to obsess over, once u say to urself “ hey u are fine.. there is nothing wrong... breath and chill out , u know ur fine”!!!
Ur stop..
Plus way u got to look at it is u have had so many tests done u are fine.. if there was anything wrong they would have found it.
Have u got meds? Anxiety meds?
Thank you for your response, I guess I haven’t found my thing yet but I am trying. I guess not hard enough. I am on anxiety medication though I feel it’s not helping yet
How old are u mayaohh?
Are u young?
I get feeling u are as most people that have had it for many years has some kind of coping mechanism by time there older or most wont still b here....
I am 45 and i have had anxiety issues all my life and i have tried everything...
I now realise u have to
Control your own head... it all in ur head. Only u have the strength to deal with it.
U know ur not ill ...
U know ur not goin to die u have had all the tests... so u need to think why have u got these issues?
Has one of ur parents died young? A friend?
Is there anything that started this off?
Maybe see a therapist and discuss this feeling....
What i would say and what probably half the people on here that are my age ( if u are young that is) would say to u is...
Do not waste ur life worrying when u could b enjoying ur life.....
U have one life do not let it b a wasted one...
I learnt this about 8 years ago ... i started therapy.. yoga... meditating.. running and i live every day like it my last....
Why worry about things u cannot control
If you have had all the checks and you are fine then this health anxiety. While it is very unpleasant, it's important to understand that it won't harm you. Have a look on YouTube as there are some great videos on there.
Also ask yourself why would anyone have heart problems at your very young age? The vast majority of victims are middle aged or over and a lot stem from decades of smoking, being obese, or just your body wearing out. I hope this helps you a bit. x
That’s what I’m thinking
May I have had the same thing happen to me. And I Kno it is hard but it gets better I Kno u probably don't want to hear this. But it does get better