I was doing fine until the last couple days. My anxiety is convincing me again I am dying. There’s nothing really wrong with me but sometimes I’ll notice one of my pupils bigger than the other, and I freak out. Or I’ll notice my eyes are puffy (usually first thing in the morning). I have daily headaches but today’s not been too bad. But nothing is wrong with me truly. So why does my brain tell me everything is wrong with me? I need someone to tell me they go through the same thing. My anxiety tricks me all the time. I recently just got over sinusitis, which is no big deal but my eyes are still feeling the effect of it, my face feels fine now but my headaches do from one temple to the other, it sometimes in the back of my head. I also started having eye twitches for days but they’ve subsided, behind my left eye hurts so bad I can’t look around. I’ve already been to my dr and he said I’m healthy so I know there’s nothing wrong so can someone explain why I feel like this? When I had sinusitis I couldn’t feel my eyebrows because of how swollen I was so now I’m constantly wiggling my face. I do need glasses but I don’t wear mine I don’t think I could even tell you where they are. Glaucoma runs in the family and starts young but I haven’t seen an eye dr since I was little.
getting bad again: I was doing fine... - Anxiety and Depre...
getting bad again

Hi there! I fall into the same trap as you. I think it’s because it makes me feel safer to inspect every little health glitch, real or imagined, but it just makes me panic. I go thru this all the time- I’m probably driving my doctor crazy. Suggesting that you read Agora1’s post from today on ruminating thoughts - it has some excellent advice. I would also say to try to divert yourself with a good book or something else that you enjoy.
Ps You should probably make an appointment with an eye doctor anyway, not just to allay your concerns, but mainly because it’s part of a good regular healthcare program 🙂
I didn’t really start inspecting myself until after I had my last baby, I’ve always had anxiety but it was very manageable on my own, but then I ended up with postpartum anxiety and it is no joke. You know you hear about it but you never really know until you experience it and for all the people that are going through anxiety like this I am so sorry and I hope and pray for brighter days for everyone. I hope it does get better I really do.
I’ve heard postpartum anxiety and/or depression can be so brutal! Yes, I hope and pray we can all get thru this. I’m mid-sixties and I started getting it in my mid- 20’s due to a pretty traumatic car crash. Started getting panic panic attacks on and off in my mid-30’s. We all have our ways of coping but I’m finally realizing that focusing on all the little things is definitely not productive, even tho it feels like it in the moment 😉
I am so sorry that happened! We will overcome anxiety and smash it like a bug. I have several coping things I use I just posted a couple, but one I read somewhere I can’t even remember where, but if you give anxiety the fuel it will keep growing. If you don’t give it any fuel it will dwindle and die and that’s what I want is for it to just die off, so yes inspecting the little things is not productive haha but sometimes I get carried away at looking at everything and none of my tactics work so I resort to posting and typing how I feel and getting responses to read helps when there’s nothing else so thank you for replying I really really appreciate it and I really thank you for taking the time to read and reply! 😁
Sounds great! Hang in there- you’ll be fine! ☺️
oh dear. I know how you feel. I do the same thing! I recently heard something I liked and I’ll share it.:
Focus on living your life, not on preventing death.
It isn’t easy when the what ifs are running rampant, but if you’re as certain as you can be that you’re okay and it sounds like you are, go ahead and live your life as best you can. I am lucky that my husband understands and kinda kicks me in the butt to get over myself and get out there and have fun. Sometimes, I have to really pretend I’m having fun at first but I find that I usually kinda forget my symptoms for awhile and do have fun. Dont wait to “feel better.” Distract yourself from ruminating. At least try. What is something you want to do today?