Hello! New to this group. I have severe anxiety myself which I struggle with and am trying to work through. However, I am seeking advice and support about my current living situation. I live with 3 other people, one of whom is extremely depressed. Currently they are not working or going to school they just sit in the house all day. They don't really have any friends besides us. We have been worried they might hurt themselves in the past. They see a therapist and are on medication but don't want to get the prescription renewed. Any advice?
Roommate with Depression: Hello! New to... - Anxiety and Depre...
Roommate with Depression

Tell someone about what's going on. They might hurt themselves even though they have 3 other people.

We have told their significant other who lives far away, our parents, our close friends, I've spoken to my therapist about it who has reported the situation. It is very scary to think that they might hurt themselves but I know it's a possibility we need to be aware of.
Yes, it's very important. At least, you are aware that they feel like that
That sounds like a really tough situation. Does the person with extreme depression try to communicate with you or do they just pretend everything is okay?

They do communicate with me, not so much with our other roommates. When I got home tonight they said that they ran out of their depression medicine and they need to make an appointment with their general doctor to get it refilled but they're too depressed to call and make the appointment. I offered to go with them to the appointment and drive them but they can't call at night so I guess I'll try to encourage them to call in the morning.
How about relatives? Are there any family members you could contact?
Day by day! Do not anticipate because that is one of the first steps of anxiety. Remember to stay in the moment. Use this time to benefit for yourself as well as for others. Practice the moment. Always try to think in a positive light and not dim into darkness. Keep it simple. And SMILE SMILE and practice using your empathy for the moment and leaving out your fear.
Hi. A difficult situation indeed. Good for you for caring tho!
Is this person of the same sex as you? If they are then maybe you could keep offering your support and eventually this person might give in and decide to let you help them.
If they aren't, you can still help but be careful not to get over-friendly and make sure they know the boundaries.
It might not necessarily matter but if they are of the same sex it might be easier for them to relate and share their worries with you.
At the same time, you don't want to jeopardise your own mental health. It depends on what you are prepared to take on. I'm sure you are very aware of how debilitating depression can be & feel. Having anxiety/an anxiety disorder is hard enough and you say you are seeing a therapist yourself?
But if you are willing to put yourself out for this person, in a non-selfish way it might be extremely rewarding to help them to help themselves.
I think you have already shown that you are a caring person. Give them time. But hold on in there too. You are, after all your own number one! You must come 1st. So make sure it doesn't set you back with your own anxiety either.
It is a toughy! Would you say that you (and perhaps the others) have in some way befriended this person? You obviously care a lot. You have your own issues yet you join this site with the focus on this unhappy person without mentioning much about yourself.
Perhaps you can discuss what is best for YOU with your own therapist?
I'm just throwing out ideas and thoughts here. I personally have both anxiety and depressive issues myself but the thought of helping someone in need actually makes me feel that is what I wish I was able to do. But I don't know anyone like your friend. I don't really know anyone lol. But I think it would help me take the focus from myself for a change.
To feel useful and wanted/needed in some way is something I long for.
We are all at different places of course and for all sorts of different reasons. I can only speak for myself.
I wish I had some definite answers but I don't. Pitty.
Keep us posted. I wish you and your housemate all the best. Ask anything here, you will get some interesting replies because most of us here have been somewhere very similar to where you and/or your friend are.
Please do tell us what happens this morning.
Also maybe you can go walking togethet to get tjem out of the house for exercise n fresh air. Walking helps a lot. Praying for you for strengh n peace in your home.