Diazepam : Hi I’ve been prescribed... - Anxiety and Depre...

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SpiritualT profile image
14 Replies


I’ve been prescribed Diazepam by my GP on a few occasions over the last 18 months. My health anxiety is very severe and I’ve ended up at the hospital over 60 times thinking it’s that’s bad.

I know acceptance is the answer and I am practicing but sometimes I just need some reprieve from the relentless physical sensations and thoughts.

My question is how long can I safely take these for, I try to never take them more than 3 days in a row and not every day. I have read something though about ‘kindling’ where you take them and stop and take them and stop and then you get severe withdrawals.

As I have health anxiety and am frightened of either being extremely poorly or dying, I am concerned about having seizures etc.

Anyone any info on this?

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SpiritualT profile image
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14 Replies
Jeff1943 profile image

From my experience taking valium irregularly as you describe won't give you any problems, you'd have to take them daily for many weeks before there would be withdrawal symptoms, but all you have to do is taper off them when the time comes. I used to break the 5mg tablets in half, that was enough on most occasions.

SpiritualT profile image
SpiritualT in reply to Jeff1943

Hi Jeff.

What taper off even if I only take them for 3 days at a time? I’ve taken them a few times over the last 18 months the longest I took them for but it wasn’t even daily was around 26 days and even then it was sporadically.

I don’t know if I’m reading too much into this with my anxiety being as high as it is.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to SpiritualT

If i took them for 3 days I wouldn't expect to need to taper off them. A few days here and a few days there wouldn't lead to dependency in my experience.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Jeff1943

Is Valium another name for diazapam?

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to hypercat54

Yes, diazepam is the generic medical term and valium is the trade name of La Roche who introduced it in 1963. It is listed in the World Health Organisation List of Essential Medicines as one of the safest and most effective medications and an essential item for any health system.

Lazy_dog_lover profile image

I was on lorazepam and then clonazepam. Both taken daily for years. No issues. I have never heard of the short term version. That would make me more nervous. If I miss a day, I have had no issues. Do you also have a psychiatrist? There may be another prescription taken along side that will help reduce anxiety.

Spooky99 profile image

I’m reading this and I think your fine! I feel like a complete addict now. I know I’m addicted. I’ve been on 2 mg a day of clonopin for years!!! I will not come off it, I become agoraphobic. Your dr. Should tell you what is ok. Now I feel upset with my long term side effects Ugh

Chef38 profile image

Please stop taking this drug. It ruined me. I also suffered from bad anxiety and suicidal thoughts. I realised it was my drinking that caused this. The Valium helped with the anxiety that came with a bad hangover. I got hooked quick. I was taking up to 120 mg a day. I’m down to 20mg now and hoping to come off in the next few months. The withdrawals are extreme, prob worse than the anxiety I was taking it for in the first place. This is not a drug to be taken lightly it is dangerous. Don’t expect much help from the nhs either. I have had to walk this road on my own whilst holding down a stressful senior position.

SpiritualT profile image
SpiritualT in reply to Chef38

Thanks for your reply Chef. I dont take it everyday i only take it sporadically and even then i only take 5mg.

I think it does serve a purpose when you need a reprieve from the horrible symptoms of anxiety but i can see why it can be addictive because it helps take those physical sensations away.

jadenbeau profile image
jadenbeau in reply to Chef38

I don't know how you are holding down a job, and you've done amazing Coming down that much

I never thought a doctor could do this to so many people it's cruel

And your right there is no help out there and it's hard to find a doctor who actually believes In withdrawal

My friends mental health doctor said and I quote it is worse than heroin to Come off its one of the hardest drugs to stop...

jadenbeau profile image

Please listen to chef38

This drug has ruined my life

I would gladly welcome back My severe anxiety

Now because withdrawal is absolutely torture

I have studied every inch of the Internet to educate myself

There are people out there like you, taking it now and then that have in time become tolerent to diazepam

I hate my doctor for giving me this drug for 6 years daily and there is little help out there and most doctors do not know or refuse to believe in withdrawal.

I have been referred to the drug addiction people who know little about this too.

I understand it helps you but I wish someone had told me this

In withdrawal even by the tiniest amount I can sleep, eat, I have anxiety 24/7 even worse than my original anxiety

I have tinnitus, severe memory problems, I can't leave the house

My heart beat is about 130 everyday.

I have had hallucinations

Phycosis, I can not it down I pace all day

I have started self harming or smashing shit up out of pure frustration

I ache all over I shake I feel like I am dying , I wish I could die. The only thing that I am hanging on for is my 7 year old daughter who is at my mums because I can't look after her...

I am going onto a very slow taper by liquid so the symptoms are not so severe... But I was left with no help on my own for months going through this....... And the worse part is you can not take anything to help and your brain does not have the ability to calm die to the damage the diazepam has done to the gabba synapses. It's a long slow painful process, it's just about broken me.

Go online to benzo buddies and you will see the thousands of people suffering...

Please find something else but benzos are evil

I probably sound like a fecking crazy lady, I am having a good day today I slept 2 hours and have had a sandwich. But this is from last June reducing by 5 mg. I have not tapered since Sept because its taken this long to even out, I start again Thursday but a lot slower.

I don't want to scare you some people are ok

Go on the face book groups for benzos and you will see how big this problem is, compared to some people my symptoms seem mild.

Sorry for going on and on but it really is not worth it. If I had know this I would not have ever took one.

Chef38 profile image
Chef38 in reply to jadenbeau

I wish you all the luck in the world with your taper. Try getting a pill splitter and dropping down in 2mg doses every 2 weeks. I have wrote myself a chart out so I can plan ahead on my taper down. I can’t do it dropping down fast so I taper slowly, I feel this is the best way as it doesn’t shock the central nervous system to much. I find exercise helps me greatly when I am having withdrawals. So I go for a run now when I feel shit, it seems to work. And I practice mindfulness daily now to help cope with my anxiety.

jadenbeau profile image
jadenbeau in reply to Chef38

Hey I went to see the doctor at the drug rehab place he wants to up my dose to take me out of withdrawal then taper me very slowly. I mentioned kindling effect but he said u have to go up for a little bit. I have to contact my own doctor (one who gave me diazepam for 6 years) and ask him to refer me to this new doctor otherwise he can not treat me.

Rang today and they won't refer me without seeing me, I really don't want to see my old doctor, I am so angry with him, hopefully when I call in morning I'll ask for a phone appointment.

I had to do a pee test too, really pissed me off pardon the pun. I said my doctor gets me on these benzos and now I'm being treated like a drug addict and getting checked for other drugs. I felt smug when it came bck with just diazepam. I don't even drink and they seem shocked by it lol.

Fingers crossed, I can not carry on, my release is self harm, stupid I know but it gets so bad I just want to die. And it releases me before I explode from internal torture.

Ive always meditated but during withdrawal I can ot focus I just pace all day and because my heart rate is 120+ I think running isn't the best. I've got my nu chucks and pull up bar I think I need a punch bag.

I think everyone In withdrawal have diff experiences. I had a bad one due to my doctor lack of knowledge ut new guy seems lovely he even said I'm sorry for what's happened to u bless him. I'm hanging in. I know it will end one day x

LDAutie profile image

This is just my experience but I’ve been on diazepam daily,10mg for roughly 7 years as it stops the very acute anxiety I get which triggers what is called severe challenging behavior (I have severe,non verbal autism, mild intellectual disability),I live in near constant anxiety and without the diazepam I woudnt be able to live in the community as my behaviors woud be very acute.

The psychiatrist I have Is a specialist in intellectual disability and autism,he also prescribes me more diazepam coming up to bonfire night (and some afterwards) and around Christmas and New Year’s Eve-anything with big transitions and usually fireworks involved.

In this area of disability, diazepam is used long term routinely because challenging behaviors affect others,so they’re more bothered about how we appear to others than the damage we do to ourselves, when used in this manner it’s also known as a chemical straight jacket, however when used properly like what my specialist is doing,it is to give me a better quality of life and enable me to live in the community instead of going back to very secure institutional living.

So not every story you hear of with diazepam is a bad story,I think with me,as I have no control over the diazepam-all my meds are locked away and given by my care staff,plus there is a ‘two in 24hours’ diazepam protocol,so if I have one at say 10am, and the second at 8pm,i can’t have it the next day until 10am or later,and the second one can’t be given until 8pm or later.

I think when people have to much control over their medications there may be to much temptation to over use the diazepam,as it’s easier than using any coping skills learned,but these do take more focus than just taking a pill,which is hard to do when you are acutely anxious.

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