Greetings all,
I’m vacillating back and forth with thinking of letting go of a long term friendship with someone.
A bit of some background... I’m a laid back person. With my social anxiety all my life I’ve never been a “joiner” yet I do have a handful of a few good friends. A good friend to me is someone who understands and lets me be myself and vice versa.
Two decades ago I was different and deeply struggled with my esteem and felt defective. I would compare my misgivings with people that seemed quite accomplished in life. But thanks to my years of therapy, I’ve learned there’s nothing wrong with what I am and feel good about that. I now have a lot of gratitude in life.
I have a “friend” of perhaps 20 years or so where we have occasionally stayed in touch. We would laugh a lot together and just shoot the breeze. Here’s my challenge, though he’s a nice person and means well, I feel like it’s time to move on. This person brags a lot about his accomplishments either materially or vocationally. Plus he’s very into The Holidays and for years always texted me pictures of his XMAS tree, wrapped gifts, and decorations around the house. Personally I find bragging to be a turn off and shallow. Once again like clockwork, this year a few days before XMAS he texts me his annual decor pix. Finally I kindly told him, “I need to let you know I’m not into the Holidays. Nothing against them...I’m just not into them. Please respect me for that.” Of course he had a flotilla of questions why and I kindly kept saying that I’m not into the Holidays and there are many others like me. He didn’t understand at all but indicated he respected who I am around that.
Today, my phone buzzes and he sent me a bunch more of XMAS pix and a video of his Christmas party. I just deleted them.
And here’s the challenge, I’ve changed over the years. I no longer care to mingle with shallow people nor be around those who brag. Which leads me to my I let this friendship go? I’m leaning towards yes but at the same time I do not want to cause him any hurt. I’ve no judgements as to who/what he is, but we’re quite different now. I feel like I’ve grown out of the friendship.
Letting go sometimes is a difficult decision. Yet for my continued growth of self acceptance it feels necessary at times.
I welcome your feedback.
Thanks much,