Hi tryed so many SSRIs over the past 12 years but 6 months ago I had a bad breakdown I think from being put on sertraline which didn't agree with me then paxi that helped a little,now I have been put on Venlafaxine 9 days ago at 37.5mg then after 3 days upped to 75mg do feel a bit better but ups and downs and mood changes quite quick,I really hope this works for me any advice and support would really help me
Venlafaxine has any got good reviews - Anxiety and Depre...
Venlafaxine has any got good reviews

I have just been raised to 150mg of the same. I’m thinking of you. I hope we feel better soon. I was on 75mg for a while and felt well. The waiting it complete torture. Here for you.
Thankyou for your reply all the med changes are horrible and waiting to find out if they work or not is the worst,I do feel a bit better in myself the main thing at the moment is morning motivation and in the evening I feel a bit down again but early days on this med and I really hope it works for us both, how have you found it so far? Have you been on it long?
On 225 for over a year. Works good for me.
I hope you get positive benefits
Hi Dolphin14 thanks for your reply how was it for you when you started? Did it take a while for your depression and anxiety to subside?
It worked for me for many years. Then it sort of became ineffective. My depression is treatment resistant. The meds I take now are Cymbalta and Wellbutrin. I know how difficult it is to wait to see if they work.
Hi frenchy, I had panic attack like twice in six months so my Dr prescribed propranolol40mg daily. He also explained what panic attack is cos I knew nothing about it. So I decided to join you guys for more support. Thanks
Hello Frenchy,
I was on 175mg if Venlafaxine for 3 years and it massively helped me in terms of my depression and anxiety. The only reason I came off it was because I had felt better for around a year and it made me extremely sleepy and I felt like a bit of a walking zombie on it, so I wanted to feel everything again! But it was great in terms of numbing my feelings of depression and anxiety. Please make sure you always have plenty of your medication because the withdrawal side effects are really crappy! I’m thinking of going back on Venlafaxine soon and the other ones I have tried since, when I started to suffer again, haven’t been working as well. Hope it works out well for you! X
I take Venlafaxine. It seems to be helping me. I haven’t had any issues thus far. I’ve been taking it for about 6 months.
I am on Zoloft, Abilify and Clonopin and I love them!
Hi been on venaflaxine for over a year now best anti depressants I have ever had so far and I have had most on the market, only issue is weight gain and fluid retention( which has just started) am on 225mg a day, hope this helps.

Thankyou for your reply I've just upped mine to 150mg fingers crossed it all works out good
Good luck and hope you feel better soon x
How long did it take before you felt better? I am feeling slightly better more up days than down days but still not where I want to be
I'm at week 6 now and they have upped the meds 4 times it's a week on 150mg feel better but still not great is this normal?
I’m curious. How long did it take to feel the full effect of the increased dose? I had my dose increased about 10 days ago. I have felt a little bit of a dip in my mood and ability to process Trumatic feelings. I don’t know if this is because of the change of dose And if it will taper off as the side effects take affect. I don’t know if I need to wait for to six weeks or if I should feel more steady sooner.
Hi what mg are you on? I'm upto 187mg feel better than I was but still not 100% yet I've got a appointment on Monday think they are going to upp the dose to 225mg, each time I increase the dose generally the first couple of weeks I feel a dip in mood then it starts to level off,I just hope if they up my meds it will help my anxiety more than it has done so far, hopefully you will start to feel better soon buddy keep me up to date with how your feeling
Hi, venlafixine is amazing, i was ill 3 years ago and i started taking 150MG as well as prozac 40MG within few months i noticed a massive difference, three years on still going strong never get really low now it seems to keep me on level.