I have been trying ...too hard... i worry...too much... I care so much it makes me sick...I push myself far trying to make myself worthy which I already am... so the good voice says
... my illness will tell me I will never be enough no matter what... so why listen to that dead-end bullshit!? it’s hard because I grew to trust that... but part of me does see it’s the illness speaking and not the truth ..
..and I am not alone in doing this worry thing, stress, go ,do,go,do think think think to the point where my hair has been falling out for over a year now off and on. Stress, I’m going to get rid of you.some day soon.
I will grow in self esteem and love and be able to be okay as I help others on this journey...it’s hard to be there for others when we are so broken ourselves but we manage to anyway because our hearts are so immense in the way we love. And we get hurt for simply showing love, like its a weakness...our hearts getting broken because of thoughtlessness of others but we keep loving anyway. Bitterness seeps in at times and we wade through it and emerge stronger, brighter, wiser.
I need to believe I can stop spinning out of control. I see my mind yearning for peace and I visualize the peace holding and grounding me in my heart. But it’s like a dream, I wake up. And suffer so. We do cause our suffering to a degree but can it be stoped or were we born to be this way?
Went to the dermatologist today and hope the new scalp oil along with medication helps.