Xanax temporary medication for Anxiety and highly addictive. Please try Cranial Electro Therapy. It's a small device pass through current through your earlobe.
Thank you
Xanax temporary medication for Anxiety and highly addictive. Please try Cranial Electro Therapy. It's a small device pass through current through your earlobe.
Thank you
rajraman, my psychiatrist uses this on some of his patients and sees results
for those who need that extra boost from their meds as well as those not on
medication. I haven't tried it myself but the doctor says that some people
feel a difference within a few treatments. Simple and not invasive.
Thanks for sharing...
Hi Agora, maybe it’s only for severely depressed people. My anxiety comes and goes and when I am having a bout the Previous G.P allowed me to have Valium 5 mg a day which really helped. I only took the Valium for a few weeks and so have never felt addicted.
I have been trying the Claire Weekes method but easier said than done. Thanks for your advice, I always read your posts . Have a good Christmas it’s not a good time for people who worry and stress so I try to keep it as stress free as possible . Xx
I have been taking Xanax for Iver 30 years , it does not affect me the way it would affect someone new, it brings you back to a yes temporary calmness but highly addictive, you can not cold turkey this , I have been slowly weaning off but takes a long time. I’ve been on a weight loss journey , now 126 pounds , do yoga everyday, eat healthy, I would not suggest Xanax if you havnt been in it , why bother with something so technical to get off of.
I am taking xanax for 16 years.
I weaning of using Cranial electro therapy.
This device really help me.
Thank you
I would love to hear more in this if you don’t mind , I will ask my doctor , this sounds like something I’d like to try, are there withdrawal effects? Do you still take some Xanax? I’m interested
To be honest I am taking xanax an average 2mg daily until I found myself this device call Cranial Electro Therapy. I can reduce it up to 0.25 daily. I never stop completely from taking xanax because worried of withdrawal symptoms.
Some doctors don't even know this device exist.
You can Google for this device expecially made in America. They provide 30 days money back guarantee.
Unfortunately I can't tell what brand since others will think I promoting certain brand name.
No need to buy the most expensive one.Price range from USD350.00 to 400 USD.
Use it while watching TV. You might have some vertigo effects if the frequency to high.You had to adjust it yourself accordingly.
Hope it will help you.
Thank you.
Hi Lin1944, wishing you a good Christmas as well. And you are right in that
this time of year can be filled with high stress. Remember to take time for yourself
each day. Whether it be 5 or 10 minutes to just find a quiet spot and breathe, allowing
your mind and body to relax and stay in the moment for a while.
As for Dr. Weekes' method of acceptance, like anything, it takes practice and it takes
believing in what she says. It does work. xx
Thanks I will google it as haven’t heard of it before.