I'm a 17 year old who's contemplating leaving my home for 2 weeks, because I feel neglected and trapped in my home. I am almost a legal adult and want to be able to do more things, but my overprotective parents make it impossible. I deal with depression and anxiety which makes things worst for the past few weeks I've been contemplating on committing suicide which my mother in the past has told me to do it. I can't handle being in this household I've also reported it in the past but nothing was done, my mother manipulates people into believing her. I've already reached my limit. I in Florida but plan on asking a friend in Maryland if I can stay with them for a little bit before returning home, just to be more free for a few weeks. However, my mother doesn't consent to this.If I go without her consent would I or my friend suffer any legal ramifications? Would this be considered running away if I plan on returning home? Also would I be affected by Florida laws since I'm a resident or Maryland laws?
Help...: I'm a 17 year old who's... - Anxiety and Depre...

Are you turning 18 in 2 weeks? If so, you might just want to wait it out, since that’s not that long. However, from what I know, if you leave the worst that can happen is if your parents report it, they could force you to return home. My sister in law left her parents a month before turning 18 due to abuse to her and her baby (which of course police and cps do nothing about), and she lucked out since her parents didn’t contact the police. So, it depends on what your parents do. I’m sorry that reporting parents doesn’t seem to do much. My husband also was severely abused emotionally, physically, and sexually, and no CPS workers did anything about it. Good luck! Just hang in there, there’s not much left to go until you are 18 and can leave anyway.
Can't you just tell your mother you want a holiday with your friend? Surely she has no legal right to stop you? x
I have asked her countless of times and she makes excuses of "we don't have the money" when I told her that I have the money.
Don't ask as that's what children do. Adults make their own decisions and inform others of them. Saying there is no money though is not the same as saying she can legally stop you. Have a look online about the law. x
I'm sorry that you are feeling this way in your current living situation. It is easy to understand why you are looking for a way out. I don't know the answer to your question about the legal ramifications but there are a couple of things which come to my mind that I wanted to ask you to consider.
Since you mention that you don't trust your current therapist, I wonder if you could talk with the counselor at your school? They are generally aware of options and resources for students in your local area.
I also want to ask you to be VERY careful if you do choose to take off. It is very common for young people in transit to be targeted by traffickers. If you are going to stay with a specific friend, make sure you have permission to stay there and make sure that you are in contact with them the whole way until you arrive safely there. Does this make sense?
The only thing I can think of is to save up money to move out or see if your friends mom can take you in once you turn 18