Some days just suck. I feel as if the planets have aligned and have conspired to make me miserable. Today was one of those days. Everything I attempted to do went wrong somehow and the weather eventually triggered a nasty migraine. Despite all of this I'm proud to admit I managed to accomplish a few things. I'm not proud of my whiny attitude but am going to bed early and tomorrow is a new day. A fresh chance. I will do my best to make tomorrow a better day and be kind and thankful.
Today: Some days just suck. I feel as... - Anxiety and Depre...

I admire your determination and your ‘can do’ attitude. Hopefully I can get there soon !
Yes I agree that the planets have aligned and conspired to make me miserable as well. You put words to exactly how I’ve been feeling for the past two months. I keep hoping something will give. I guess the best we can do is go with the flow and hope things lighten up soon. I’m here if you want to talk. ❤️
You’re right. Some days suck. But, some moments are glorious!
Live for the glorious times, learn through the tough times. Patience is a virtue.
Sending you peace and joy.
Hi. I like how you worded all of that. I used to always just hide how I’m really feeling. The past year I guess has been me just being okay with how I feel and letting people know when they ask.
It’s great that you got things done and love that tomorrow is a new day a fresh start. Such a good positive attitude. I feel like I say that every night. Tomorrow is a new day to start new.
Hope you sleep well. Hugs.
Good for you hanging in there and not giving up. Some days are going to be tough, but every day offers a fresh start and new opportunities