Most of the times when I get sick (stuffy nose, congestion, fever) I start feeling anxious. I know it is partly due to not getting enough sleep when I’m not feeling well. Also, I know I’m limited on what cold medicines I can take because of the interactions with my anxiety medicine. Is there anyone who has experienced this and what have you found that helps? Any natural ways of getting over cold/sinuses?
Getting Sick and Feeling Anxious - Anxiety and Depre...
Getting Sick and Feeling Anxious

I'm sorry it makes you anxious...I warm up fresh lemon and honey...even eat the lemon....helps to sooth the throat and cough...also pretty yummy! Hope this is of some help....
Here's to you feeling better mind , body and spirit...
Dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy and hugs!
Yes, when you get flu or respiratory infections your body becomes depleted of nervous energy and certain hormones and this makes us liable to feel low ie anxious and depressed. Blood sugar level rises too so if you're going for a blood sugar test bear that in mind.
I have experienced this. I got mild pneumonia back in April of this year and that somehow triggered this intense bout of anxiety with panic attacks which turned into depression. I’m finally feeling like I’m on the upswing. I’d also be interested to see what people say.
I’ve been reading through the literature lately and it seems like so much of anxiety and depression are caused or triggered by inflammation which would make sense with getting sick. So maybe an anti-inflammatory to break that cycle of one causing the other.
Sorry you are suffering, I know how it feels just coming out of a bad anxiety attack, my Dr. gave me a short dose of Lorazepam, it is a controlled substance and one has to sign for it, it really works. For my throat and sinus I use warm salt water to gargle and a Nettie pot with same substance to rinse out my sinus, do not use tap water unless you boil it and let it cool or buy bottled water. And of course the honey and lemon, this will sooth your sore throat.I also have cough lozengers. Make a bowl of hot steaming water, put your face over it with a towel over your head and breath in the steam, it really loosens up the junk in our chest and sinus, keep a small bowl handy so you can spit out the gunk. Be sure and keep warm and get all the rest you can. I hope this is of help to you. I send you healing energy, love, peace, strength to carry on and big hugs....Sprinkle 1.
p.s you can put a warm compress on your face to sooth your sinuses.
If getting sick makes you anxious, try to do relaxing things and realise that you are just sick with a cold. Take extra care of yourself. Mind and Body. Keep hydrated, take some vitamin C to aid your imnune system. Try to keep your mental health in good standing, as even emotional stress can decrease your immune systems ability to fight your cold!