I'm going for my first TMS treatment today, have to force myself out the door in 20 minutes and I'm kinda freaking out. Out in public, waiting rooms, and then having to sit still in a chair and talk with a stranger, at least it's not going to be as uncomfortable as the dentist's chair, no one is going to bed poking my mouth with sharp things or vacuuming my tongue. Breath.... breath.... I can do this.....breath. Well, I guess it would be even more uncomfortable if I went out the door naked, time to get dressed. Wish me luck.
TMS Therapy: I'm going for my first TMS... - Anxiety and Depre...
TMS Therapy

I hope that everything works out for you.
I’m having my 6th Brainsway treatment today. Positive vibes. I try to visualize during the treatment that my brain is coming alive.
I went through TMS and the process worked well for me. Hang in there.
It went well, thank you, everyone. The hardest part was all the days leading up to the appointment, then getting out of my vehicle and going in. I'm going to feel drained for the rest of the day. Hopefully, it will get easier, I have to go 5 times a week for the next few months
I'm on my way to my monthly TMS treatment in 10 mins. I finished my first 36 session series last April 13. Had to return in Sep for 3 wks of 11 sessons and in Jan for 2 days and 10 sessions. Now to maintain my remission I'm going once a month. Unfirtunately I require frequent maintenance to keep my symptoms at bay. Fluctuating from "normal" to complete debilitation every 3-4 months really sucks. But that's what it takes to keep my TRD and anxiety from destroying every aspect of my life.
I pay everything out of pocket. Insurance doesn't cover anything. My clinic has worked extensively with me to fine tune a TMS schedule that fits my needs. I did 2 Ketamine infusions prior to beginning TMS last year on February 14 and 21.
This is the machine my clinic uses and my TMS is called Theta Burst TMS. It addresses depression anxiety and motivation. 3 different pulses on 3 different locations. Ask your provider what kind of TMS you are receiving. I encouraged another HU poster going through his 1st series of TMS right now to request Theta Burst and they accommodated him. His results are through the roof just like mine.
This is the only thing that ever helped me.... PERIOD. I can't stress enough how it's saved my life in Every. Single. Way.
Ask me ANYTHING about your experience. Designguy and depranxious are 2 others like yourself that are going through the process right now and are very open about sharing their journey too.
Good luck 🍀 today. Hope to hear from you soon!!!
Thanks for all the info. I'm trying to stay optimistic. I am 15 years into therapy and meds and at best I'm feeling 50% better most days, and way better than with no support at all. My depression I feel is symptomatic of the anxiety and panic attracts. The technicians are telling me they will be moving back and forth with treating the depression and the anxiety, as the targets are in different hemispheres of the brain.
That's great 👍😊 yep. I had my monthly TMS maintenance session on Tuesday. I woke up yesterday without morning anxiety and I slept well. Just woke up at 4 am, which is better than usual. I had all 3 areas treated... for depression on one side, anxiety on the opposite side and motivation on the forehead. Theta Burst TMS is what they call it. I've had depression and anxiety problems since my childhood. I'm almost 49 and been to hell and back several times. Luck to have TMS for SURE.
Your improvement will be nothing short of miraculous. It's just beginning but in a couple weeks you won't recognize yourself. Keep a journal on your progress and keep us posted. It will be an awakening you'll want to remember 🧲 🧠
Thanks for the encouragement, I never have journaled but if this is going to be a pivot point in my life why not keep a record. Just created a folder and entered my first page
I wish I would have kept a better account of the experience as I was going through it but being here meeting others going through the same process as I was last year at this time has been a priceless 🎁 gift!!
You will never be the same after these next 2 months....in the BEST ways possible.🎉 Keep posting about your progress here too. There are a bunch of people wanting to know more about TMS success. The more people we reach the faster this treatment option will go mainstream. I wish I had others to ask questions about the process. I'm ALWAYS eager to hear from other's perspectives and feelings about their TMS journey. Message me ANYTIME!!!
Hey, bud!! Just saw you. I mentioned you to Boston001 just in case he wants to reach out to any of us that have been thru this wonderful transformation!! I'm on my way to TMS now🤗
I'm so happy to hear of your great results. My husband is 20+ years into major depressive disorder diagnosis and within the past 18 months, I'd estimate, it has become TRD. It's taken me awhile to talk him into it, but we're hoping to get TMS started for him within the next month or so. I know it doesn't help everybody, but surely it will help him at least a little. Any help would be tremendous for him. Anyway, if he starts to get cold feet, I may get him to get in touch with you.
I only just started yesterday, and I have not seen any results yet but the things that I have read about TMS are good. "Everybody seems to benefit from TMS" and 50% of the people that have been treated with TMS go into complete Remission. An additional 38% respond to a second round Of treatment. That is 75 of 100 people will have complete remission. I like those odds. I have been seeing a therapist and taking medication for my diagnosis for 15 years now and feel like it has only gotten me 50% of the way (TDR), but everyone is different and we all have our own unique back story. Some of my nervous disorders are genetic, and my depression is symptomatic, in other words even if my depression was "Cured" it will not change its cause. But it will eliminate one of the battlefields. Although I am flattered that you would contact me to help your husband, that would probably not be the best approach. Like sending a drunk to the bar to collect another drunk, LOL. A therapist or his therapist would probably be a Beneficial Tactic. Your love and support for him is admirable, he is a lucky guy!
I'm a year into treatment and I'm one of the lucky ones. It's put me in total remission since my childhood & teens and I'll be 49 this yr. I go once a month now, my session was 2 days ago and I feel great. It's been the life saving treatment I needed or I don't think I'd still be here. When I started my series last Feb I was beyond desperate and knew it was my last ditch effort at living.
You should ABSOLUTELY take him to the clinic and start treatment. Don't wait any longer. It's worth it. The only thing holding me back was the cost. My insurance doesn't cover anything and I pay 100% out of pocket. I'd pay TWICE as much if I had to do it over again and my cost was $750 per week for the 36 sessions in the initial series. Yes $150 a day for approx 5-6 mins of treatment per session.🤯 But my life depended on it then and I will continue to be dependent on this treatment for the rest of my life. I revert to full debilitation within 3-4 months of no treatment. That's my cycle. I'll gladly pay $150 monthly to maintain my stability.
Thanks so much for replying to me! I'm reading and rereading your words and really taking some hope from them for him. He is so desperate and unhappy right now, and I just feel in my gut that this is going to give at least some relief. He has initial evaluation tomorrow morning and then we're going to figure out the financial side. (It looks like we may get great insurance coverage when their guidelines change in a month - but can we wait until then? But can't really afford without that - just another hurdle right now.) Anyway, glad to know you're there, that you're doing so well with this, and I'm hoping we will be there too.
I hope you find it as helpful for you as I have found it to be for me. I actually look forward to going now and have found it greatly helped reduce my social anxiety and that may happen for you too. One tip for if you you find your teeth chattering some is to chew a bunch of gum ahead of time and use the wad of it as kind of a mouth guard to kind of insulate your teeth from the vibrations. Also, trying anything new it's normal to have some anxiousness about so be kind to yourself too.
I wish you well and hope you find some relief with the treatments. I'm hoping you, and others that have posted here about TMS, will keep us all updated. It's something I would love to try, having TRD, and that my insurance company would help pay for. My obstacle is finding a competent psychiatrist that would refer me for the treatments, which so far has eluded me.
I'm keeping a journal and when I see any significant changes I'll be posting about it here. So far it's just been a battle with my agoraphobia each day with the appointments. I had struggled with finding adequate mental health care. I was let down by the busyness practices of private treatment. So I had an epiphany in 2019 and applied for services with the department of mental health in Massachusetts. A real game changer! Having access to qualified professionals that aren't in business to buy a McLarem Sportscar or a pill factory.