"The present moment is all you ever have." -Eckhart Tolle
From this book I'm reading right now, and as it relates to anxiety; we become trapped in this "psychological time," in other words: identifying with the past and compulsively projecting into the future.
It makes sense to me because whenever I feel anxiety coming on or even worse, derealization setting in, I never have my awareness in the present. It's usually stuck somewhere in the past trying tirelessly to cling on, or anticipating what the future might bring. If the imagined future is better, I feel hopeful; if it is worse, it creates anxiety. The point is, my mind was never in the now.
These days, I'm trying to catch myself every time my thoughts shift, and my focus is pushed away from the present. I'm getting quicker at it too. Before, I would just entertain any thought that popped into my head and follow it to its end. I felt glad that I was able to trace a thought to its finish, but felt horrible because of where it took me. I did this to myself.
Meditation helps tremendously. I make time each day to sit and close my eyes and focus on my breath. It helps me a lot with awareness, mindfulness, and focused attention