I just feel like my mind can’t be repaired from this I think far to much all the time can never seem to turn it off where as before I was loving life or drifting through as many do not worried about much. Now I worry about using gel in my hair I worry about how I feel and think constantly. I worry about touching certain things in case I get unwell. I worry about how I feel about doing certain things. For example travel or work. I worry about the stress everyday normal things bring to me. worry about being and feeling normal I worry about just not being able to feel normal emotions and not being able to be lost in the moment I feel incapable of loving a normal life. I worry that I’m not dealing with anxiety as the thoughts can be challenged these don’t feel like thoughts they’re absolutes! I can’t change my thinking as it’s do deeply engrained. Feel like can’t even fully articulate how I’m actually feeling therefore can never solve it feel alone feel like I’ll always carry this abd it’s affected me irreparably
Just think I’m genuinely broken. - Anxiety and Depre...
Just think I’m genuinely broken.

I know exactly how you feel. I've been there. Seen it, done it, got the t-shirt!
I also know that you are not broke. You might think and feel this way but it is just anxiety pulling the strings. The old you is still there. It is just buried beneath all the symptoms of anxiety, waiting to resurface when you learn to accept how you currently think and feel instead of adding further worry to the thoughts and feelings. In other words, turn all those "what if's" into "so what?" All those absolutes you think and feel are completely false. A by product of an overly anxious mind. Nothing more.
When you genuinely learn to let go and have developed a "don't care how I feel" attitude, you will be well on your way to recovery.
Thank you for your wonderful reply again Beeve you have really helped I don’t want you to think I’m ignoring what you’ve said before I’ve been working very hard to implement it as I now it’s the right path. I’m trying really really hard to push the not caring and it has worked a lot but at the same time just feels like I’m suppressing am I not doing it right?
Don’t put too much effort into trying to implement or develop the right attitude. Simplistically, it is about making your life bigger than your anxiety and carrying on as if you didn’t have anxiety, taking it with you, I know it will be tough but it will get better in time. Time is the healer. Your mind and body will fix itself and all those symptoms that trouble you so much will fade away., layer by layer. Recovery is a process which is waiting to happen. It just needs you to create the space and time to do it by allowing yourself to think and feel everything and to question none of it. It is just anxiety. It might suck and feel rubbish but it’s no big deal! Anxiety just likes to think it is a big deal and will disappear when you lose your respect for those thoughts and feelings.
You WILL get there and be thankful for the journey to recovery.
Poppycock. You are not broken. If my pancreas quit working and I needed diabetic medication I’d take it, deal with the flare ups, eat right (maybe) and continue my life. There are ways through this. You are not broken. We are all willow branches that bend and bend until we touch the ground but you won’t see us break. Keep working on health. This is one thing that age and changing hormones helps as well for men and women. Try a different therapy. You should be doing CBT therapy for awhile.
Best of luck to you 🍀