Any one related to this? I freaked out when I saw fresh blood this morning, happened last toe and went to dr and he said it’s anal fissure, I sued the ointment and it disappeared and now it came back again with hard passing stools. I feel sting and sharp pain when passing stool. What do I do? Please help me 😢I’m scared that it will turn in to anal cancer 😢😢I’m stress out
Suffering from Anal fissure. Please h... - Anxiety and Depre...
Suffering from Anal fissure. Please help?

You can get surgery on that if you choose. It's a simple procedure.

How simple?
Most of them can heal with high fiber, stool softeners and laxitives. If not it's a simple procedure to release the pressure so it can heal in about two weeks, covered by insurance. Just a local anesthetic. See a doc and they can help you. Don't suffer. It is very treatable.
Go back to the dr. You also couple probably benefit from a stool softener.
Why are you mentioning cancer?
"Anal fissures don’t cause colon cancer or increase your risk of getting colon cancer."
"Even if your anal fissure heals completely, it can come back after you have a hard bowel movement. This doesn’t mean you have colon cancer."
I don’t know , I was sacred and think maybe I’ll die soon. Too much anxiety. It comes back again with hard bowl movement. Now I hate my self
It's ok to have irrational fears, we all have them, but do you recognize that your fear is irrational? Anal fissures don't become cancer, so I don't know where you got the idea that you should worry about that.
If it's coming back, then you need to change your diet or treatment so that it can heal. It will heal on its own.
It's no indication of cancer, just hemorrhoids. It's an easy fix.

Thx dear for helping me out

Why hate yourself coz you have a minor health condition? That doesn't make any sense to me. x
I’ve anal fissure for about 5 weeks. Very painful!!😖😖 I up my water intake and have been eating fruits every day and it seems as is working.. I had one back in April went way and came back 5 weeks ago from a hard stool.. sometimes I can’t even sit from how bad it hurt the throbbing is the worst
I know, it always came back if I don’t drink lots of water or milk. Now I’m scared to use bathroom scared of pain and bleed
So I’m new to all this and not good with diets and such. I can do the fruits but as far as meats what should I stay away from.?I’m very picky eater and eat a lot of fast food( hamburger, tacos, wings) when we cook we bake pork chops chicken, cube steaks. I’m living on toast and soup right now cause I’m afraid to eat anything else.
The blood looks scary but it’s harmless. You definitely don’t have cancer. They take time to heal

Yeh I know. Thx dear.
I just went through this myself. It took awhile to heal. Use restoralax daily. It takes a couple days to work but it’s softens your stools you need that to heal. Take baths 3 x day and use the ointment. Take ibuprofen & try to relax it will cause it hard to have movements. It’s going to take a bit and if you use the softener it will really help speed the healing. I bled for nearly two months. Once you get the stool steadily soft & use the creams I will start to heal. Be patient. It’s just blood your body will heal.