I am recently divorced and need to get back to work to support myself. I have been a stay at home mom for 5 years and getting back to work has been stressful and has been causing me anxiety. I have my degree in English education that I earned in 2012 and my license has expired. I am currently working on renewing my license and I really want to teach, but I’ve had anxiety and low self confidence thinking about teaching. I don’t feel qualified because I didn’t even use my degree after I got it. I’m struggling because I need to do something to get my own place and support myself. I want to teach so bad but I’m worried I will let my anxiety stop me. My kids are 2 and 4 and I just want them to be proud of me and see me succeed. I worry that even when I get my teaching license renewed I’ll be too anxious to even apply for jobs.
Anxiety and jobs: I am recently... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety and jobs

Are you seeing a therapist about all this? Make that your first priority. Anxiety will eat away at your self-confidence if you let it.
Also, do you have any friends who are teachers? A good talk with them would ease your mind a lot. I'm sure they were nervous and unsure before their first teaching jobs. They could give you lots of advice.
Hi, Mfgha6843,
I was just reading through the posts. After reading yours I have a suggestion. Maybe you could try subbing, or being a teachers aid for a little bit. So you can get the feel of a classroom and being around the kids. Maybe that will ease your anxiety about the whole situation some.
Good job for you having a degree in English education. I sure wish I would have gotten some kind of degree when I was younger. That is something to be proud of.
It looks like you are methodically taking the steps to bridge that "gap of fear" that formed in your mind, and you are turning this into something doable after all. Good for you! Let us know how things turn out.