I find myself drawn to certain songs because they make me feel better. Some make me feel worse. Some do both. They perfectly put into sound what's going on in my mind and in my heart. I think a lot of you know exactly what I'm talking about. List your song/s and why. If possible make sure they're on youtube or the like so we can find them too.
Number One With a Bullet: I find myself... - Anxiety and Depre...
Number One With a Bullet

This song has always just made me feel a bit more okay
Here’s a better official version youtu.be/ucX9hVCQT_U
I have a strange thing with music when I'm anxious: it tends to make me more anxious. There's a bizarre feedback loop in my head about not enjoying it like I normally do, and then getting anxious about that ("Why can't I enjoy normal nice things?")
In the days before anxiety when I would only ever get lightly depressed, I looooved Fiona Apple. Her wordy, sad songs really spoke to me e.g. "Love Ridden". Jhene Aiko's album "Trip" was also good for when I was sad. The song "Nobody" always made me cry.
Yeah I totally get you mean. When I feel depressed I'd open youtube and open my playlist
Lullaby - Nickelback
Never too late - Three Days Grace
Broken - Seether
Broke (yup same title) - Lighthouse
The Fray - How to save a life, You found me
Some of these songs are on the heavy side so I don't know you guys would enjoy them too.
Yep. Seether. I get you, try some early Deftones and The Faint. Orgy is also great but (just my opinion) only early stuff before they went punkish? or tried to. Here's the real point thank you for giving your input. This is not BS (my earlier stuff has already been deleted for being a naughty boy) I'm going to look up every one of these songs and listen to them beginning to end. Am I going to like them all? Not at all!!!!! That is not the point. The point is how many times have you been dismissed because of how you're feeling, what you're listening to, how you look, how you dress? List your music and wait. Give US YOUR PEOPLE a chance to listen and respond. The hardest part about depression I've found is patience.
I love to hear Christmas songs though out the year. The song that makes me Cry Everytime is "The way you look tonight" Tony Bennett. I'm sure you'll find it on YouTube and it was in the movie "My best friends wedding".
My songs are:
Snuff - Slipknot
Til We Die - Slipknot
Heart of Novocaine - Halestorm
My Heart is Broken - Evanessence
Thanks x
I love a lot of different music. It varies between Orchestral and Aussie Pub music (Think Cold Chisel) Some just fill the background, others help me to tap into emotions when I'm down. The one piece that gives me joy every time I hear it is Ludovico Einaudi - Divenire.
Sorry, I still haven't worked out how to add a video but copy the link in and you should find it.
I love nature and get images of snow melting and the world coming back to life. It makes me feel like I can too.
Hi, I tend to listen to jazz, like Kenny G to relax my mind; however, it goes south when I hear a certain song or just the melody. I also have PTSD, BPD and rage issues. Music can soothe me, if I allow it to but it can also turn me into “the beast” that dwells within. 🇺🇸
I like Kenny G too, have you tried Christmas music?
I try to not listen to music that will get me in a state of agitation but sometimes I just feel like listening to some music that can, “soothe the savage beast (within).”
Sometimes that beast has a lot of honesty. I'm not saying set it free, I am saying don't completely tune it out.
Love that song!
Catchy isn't it?