Can people plz speak out and tell me how they feel all day everyday symptoms etc
Talk: Can people plz speak out and tell... - Anxiety and Depre...

Do you mean for depression? What it can feel like on a daily basis? Just want to clarify to better answer your question.

Mainly anxiety x
I usually feel like there's way too much going on at one time and things are trembling inside of me. The only important thing is to stop the stimulus going on around me or get away from from it. Sounds are too loud, lights too bright, etc. I'm quickly irritated and shaky.
I can only speak from my own personal experience with it. Everyone varies on what they feel and how severe it can become.
My triggers are being in stuck in tight spaces, people walking too slowly and taking up the entire space so I can not escape, people standing too close to me and being squished by a crowd of people. All of these situations cause my heart to race and my chest to feel tight. I often describe this feeling to others as 'someone sitting on my chest' because breathing becomes difficult for me. Primarily, if my personal space is invaded without my consent, it can trigger high anxiety or even a panic attack for me.
Stress can also trigger anxiety for me. So for example, if I have two or three big events planned for a day, that can easily stress me out and cause a panic attack if I don't manage my emotions correctly. This is rare for me as I usually schedule time in such a way so that I never experience overload. But there have been times things come up and I can't change it, so my body shuts down. One time it was so bad, my blood pressure dropped and I almost passed out in my kitchen from being overwhelmed.
Other moments that I feel anxiety are when I am about to leave for a gathering or a job interview. I get that 'I have to pee' feeling because I'm very nervous, but it usually goes away once I get there. However it was much worse in the past, but I have found better coping mechanisms for all of this. The main things that have helped all these fears is simply dealing with it and doing it regardless of how bad I feel. If you avoid these situations, you'll miss out on a lot of opportunities in life.
Do you do anything creative? Art, writing, music, sculpting, gardening, anything where you're making something new that didn't exist before?
Nothing interests me at all tbh. I have no motivation what do ever a just mope about the house cleaning morning till night