What’s everyone’s experience of St John Worts fo anxiety?
Also I have trouble swallowing big tablets, so can I crush these?
Having a bad case of anxiety feeling sick and gagging throughout the day!!!
What’s everyone’s experience of St John Worts fo anxiety?
Also I have trouble swallowing big tablets, so can I crush these?
Having a bad case of anxiety feeling sick and gagging throughout the day!!!
I have StJohns wort in my cupboard and have been planning to take them for around a year----but Gp says they can affect your liver-so be careful if you do..are you on ant other meds?
I just bought some from Holland and Barret but questioning if I should have god cbd oil instead?
I’m in no meds at the moment, so that’s a plus. My therapist told me that she’s had experience with St. John Worts as its been effective but I’m still unsure myself. My boyfriend took one out of the packet today to prove their fine (he has no anxiety or anything) but I’m still hesitant
Hi ,its something that it could work for you and your boyfriend taken one isn't proof that its helpfulif you have difficulty in swallowing,its wise to have plenty water handy-Cbt,I think help pain and its best taken for that and not for depression/anxiety,im taking Kalms over the past few months ,its alright and helps a bit ,considering Ive been on diazepam for many years,!
I agree! But I also think he did it to show me that taking a tablet is nothing to worry about, because I worry way to much about it. Do you think it’s wise to cut in half or crush?
How do you find karms? I always associated it with not being able to sleep? Do you take them daily?
Whatever way ,that's easier for you.are they-capsules haven't touched them yet.With Kalms ,you can get the daytime ones as well as night im taken both-they are sugar coated pill and not large-for stress and mild anxiety---they aren't meant to be longterm ,however I take whats best for me!!
They are rounded tablets, so I’m considering either spilling or crushing in half - if I can! I shall read up on Kalms. Have you ever tried 5HTP tablets? Apparently they are good to also lift your seritionin levels
No,havent heard of them until now where can I get those Holland and Barrat?
Yes! I’m not 100% how effective they are, I haven’t tried them myself but considered them instead of the St. John Worts.
Here’s a link if you need to read up first: webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingre...
Thanks.I already have them,but reluctant to try because of liver as they can affect it -mine is needing protection,lol though may try nearer winter.
That it very understandable. I just reluctant to take them because they’re so big - I’m such a baby with tablets!! I’m not sure on the side effects of 5HTP so I’d read through first. I’ll let you know what i decide to do.
Don't mix it with SSRI antidepressants or any other serotonin products
Thank you! I’m currently on no antidepressants so I think it should be fine - only probiotics in the morning from Holland and Barrett? Have you tried St John Worrs before?
I am currently avoiding seretongenic products because I got mild serotonin syndrome from having too much GABA and then CBD oil (from Holland and Barrett) I want the opposite of serotonin which is dopermine
What symptoms are you trying to treat ?
How did you find taking the CBD oil? Before you realised you needed the opposite?
I have had anxiety since I was 12 and always managed to treat it (now 22) . But since March this year I had bad food poisoning which left me with post IBS so I now have a fear of being sick, so I instantly feel nauseated or like I need to heave. Therefore this symptom is harder to ignore than the usual panic attack tight chest symptoms.
Holland and Barret sell feverfew which is brilliant for IBS I really recommend it I take it bc it is a serotonin receptor antagonist but I was getting IBS and the feverfew just stops it apparently 90% of serotonin is in our gut
On.13th April this year I took.CBD oil I lost my appetite for a week and it made me very depressed like I have never experienced in my life I felt like throwing myself off a cliff I must add it seems I am super sensitive but start with a very small amount
Evening primrose oil is good for anxiety I take 2× 1000mg capsules every morning
As for your boyfriend suggesting natural stuff is no problem I have to say that after my recent experiences I think.natural compounds can be worse than big Pharma
Oh no - that’s terrible to hear that, I hope you’re in a much better place now and feeling yourself again. Do you think the St John Wort will make my IBS worse? Can you take feverfew with SJW do you know?
I have only taken the SJW today so I’m seeing no difference as of yet. How did you know you have too much serotonin in the body may I ask?
I have never been one of medication myself, however I heard that natural remedies usually have less side effects than medication. My therapist also didn’t recommend CBD oil to me as she said it doesn’t have enough research? Therefore I will give SJW ago along sode therapy