Do any of you experience chest pressure or pain? That triggers my anxiety and it comes and goes
Chest pressure : Do any of you... - Anxiety and Depre...
Chest pressure

Hi liz it could be a lot of things but it could be heartburn or a anxiety attack if it's causing you a lot of problems go to your doctor he maybe able to help or put your mind at rest take care!
I have been going to the doctors so often and they always tell me it’s anxiety but I don’t know it’s just not a comfortable feeling
Hi liz have you asked for your bloods to be check and your blood pressure checked if your not satisfied ask for a second opinion!
It can be a vicious cycle. An anxious thought or feeling causes a physical symptom, then we react to the physical symptom with more anxiety, and so on and so on. My physical symptoms are sensations of dizziness and pressure in my head. When I'm not feeling anxious, they're gone.
I just accept these sensations and allow them to be there, rather than resisting or reacting to them, and it keeps things under control. It's tough at first but you get gradually better and better at it.
Hi Lizz.
Celtic is correct: always get chest pressure/pain checked out by a qualified physician. Once the physical cause is ruled out you can comfortably address the mental cause.
I feel like someone is sitting on my chest when my anxiety acts up. Sometimes I do get a little pain with it.
I get chest pain and it does trigger anxiety. The 1st few times it happened I ended up in ER it worried me so much. The doctors looked at my heart every way possible and I actually have a strong healthy heart they ruled my chest pain as, stress. I recommend 100% talking with your doctor about your chest pain it can be underlying issue. It sucks when my chest hurts if feels so worrisome.
Yes I’ve been seen so many times by different doctors and they all tell me the same that’s anxiety but I can’t help it it just worries me
For me the underlying cause is the reality of our mortality and that we all have no control over it. As well as the trauma that I guess my body still remembers as I experienced the death of my mother, sister, uncle, two grandmothers, and great-grandmother. Four of these family members were in a 4 year period.
I have chest pressure nearly a choking sensation when I am experiencing social anxiety. I have been checked by my Dr. and it has been contributed to one of my many social anxiety symptoms. When I have an episode nearly every symptom of SAD manifests.
hi ya i have felt presure by shoulder and chest have been to the doctor they check for heart promblems but found nothing just really high bloodpresure and strees life has been a long bumpie road hope this helps hope you feel better
I get chest pains too. My anxiety triggers them. Sometimes I don't realize how stressed I am until my chest starts to hurt and then, like you, I worry that maybe THIS time it's an actual heart problem and that increases my anxiety and we're off to the races. You are far from alone. It is frightening. I wish I could offer some good advice, but I can offer solidarity!
Thank You for your response it’s definitely a scary feeling but I know will get passed this and we will get better 😊
Yes I do which is why I have to analyze if it is just a result of the anxiety or the GERD or is it something worst. Most times it's because of the anxiety which flares up everything...