I'm afraid I'ma die again it's awful. So recently a celebrity passed in his sleep due to a on going medical condition and that triggered something on me. I felt really scared and anxious and thought I was gonna die. I still currently feel this way but I'm trying to cope with it. It's really hard and I'm not sure if I'ma be able to sleep. I'm really scared that I'm not gonna wake up. I don't wanna die.....please help me I'm really scared and I don't know what to do
Afraid I'm gonna die again 😠- Anxiety and Depre...
Afraid I'm gonna die again ðŸ˜

everyone will die.
its not very productive, aside from annual health checkups, to worry about it.
That celebrity was the Disney star? I believe he had medical issues he kept private. It’s amazing he had an incredible life and used every moment making joy for himself. I suggest that you do the same as we all must make the most of the life we’ve been graciously allowed to have. Take slow breaths, you’re going to be ok. Get some sleep and tell your mind you will deal with this issue after a good night’s rest. Reach out during the day tomorrow to a doctor who can evaluate you for anxiety so you can get the help you need to handle shocking things and fear . 😊
Hey Lily,
I'm reading about others feeling the same way. Cameron's passing is really sad and it can be scary to hear the manner in which people pass along. My nine year-old loved so many shows he was in. We have to remember he had his own health history and issues and that just because it happened to him doesn't mean it will happen to you. I can understand feeling triggered. I've had people I've known well where I work, close to my age, pass away and have felt it surely meant I was next. The best thing I can recommend is just trust your own personal current health conditions. Know them and feel confident. Before going to bed, try your best to relax with some mindfulness that promotes sleep. Breathing techniques to calm and reduce your anxiety. Sleeping is natural, helpful to our mental and physical health, and is great for our brain. Try to remember how many nights you have slept successfully without issue. The probability of sleep leading to your demise is not good. While I don't know your health history and am not a doctor, I can tell you that you have better odds of sleeping and waking than otherwise. I hope you are able to relax, reduce the discomfort, and return to peaceful restful sleep. I am wishing you the best and hope you can work through this fear. Whether you have someone check on you or set an alarm...whatever it might be. This will pass. Please take care.
Lily, you know the reason for your feeling of impending death. It's not because you have some terminal illness, it's because you are experiencing anxiety disorder. Or to be more specific health anxiety.
Jangl#ed nerves magnify every concern and fear we have many times over. In your case the normal concern not to die before our time has become exaggerated into the feeling you're going to die any minute now. That's the reason. It's no more than that.
What's your plan for desensitising your nerves so they return to normal? You have got a plan haven't you? No use waiting for it to go away on its own. If nothing changes that's not likely.
Therapists can be helpful but ultimately the lead has to come from you.
You need to perceive things about the way you feel differently. You need to direct your energy to putting right what's causing your anxiety in the first place. Toxic relationships, dissatisfied with your job , loss, disappointment, money worries, grief. Your call, whatever the cause is you need to sort it first because doing that will help your nervous system to recover.
Far better to direct your energy towards solving the cause rather than frightening yourself half to death every five minutes because of the symptoms ie feelings of impending doom. Maybe read some self help books or watch some of those YouTube videos on the subject. Or read up on the subject in the substantial archive of past posts on this forum.
You're not going to die. All is well, you are in no danger. No need to live in constant fear of something bad happening. You are not going to feel like this for ever.