Strange. I’m feeling depressed and happy at same time. I need somebody to talk with. I don’t have anybody I can really talk with. I’m deaf. It’s a very lonely world for me. Been living in Kentucky almost 5 years. No body knows sign language here. My husband barely knows sign language. Hard to communicate with him. I have several things I want to talk about.
Need somebody to talk with - Anxiety and Depre...
Need somebody to talk with

That’s really bad that nobody close to you knows sign language. Do you think your husband might be willing to work at it and practice some more?
He tries but he forgets. I teach ASL and tried to post on FB Marketplace but they won’t let me post because it’s against their policies. I don’t understand. What are their policies? I’m stuck.
I don’t know that much about FB. But if you teach ASL, that’s great! You’ve got a marketable skill. You could advertise some other way than FB. Or you could try emailing customer support at FB and asking them for help with how to advertise the service you’re selling. Other people do sell things via FB, so there has to be a way that you can do it.
Hi there Friend! You’ve got me. I certainly understand loneliness. But I can only imagine how difficult it would be to communicate and make connections when you are deaf. Describe what you mean by depressed and happy. That doesn’t sound strange to me because that is kind of how my life goes. I have depression and it affects me but I also have times when I feel ok. When I feel ok I am extra appreciative and that I guess is my happiness.
Strange because I’m so blessed and happy and contented but I get depressed at times. It’s a lonely world for me. No body to really talk with.
I’m very glad to know that you have an upside to your life. Depression is hard but I find it’s often like a cloud. It appears for a while and then travels on. Since we write everything on here this is a good place for you to make some connections. I just joined a month or so ago but I’m beginning to make a few connections.
I'm here for you If you feel more comfortable pm'ing me that's fine...I will try my very best to be of help for you!
Dump trucks of love, peace, light, joy n hugs just for YOU!!!

You’re cute. I’m new here. You’re a third person replying to me. Im a bit confused. Do I explain to each of you?
The only thing you have to do is what makes you feel comfortable...pretty easy, huh? If you want to explain you may or if it's easier to pm someone and reach out to them that's fine also....
Welcome to the'll find a lot of love here!
Dump trucks of love, peace, light, joy n cozy hugs for you!!!
I forgot to tell you to chat privately look at the top left side of page it says chat...go there...type in the name and away you go!!! Best of luck.....Loads of love and hugs for you!!!

Okay. Thank you.
Hi Turleycabin and I am another person just welcoming you. I have worked with Deaf people here in the UK. I know BSL well but not ASL. It must be very difficult to be isolated and with your husband not signing.
I know over here there is a big Deaf community. Are you able to chat via Skype or facetime with people as I know most Deaf people I know keep up a lot of their Deaf friendships that way.
Also a warm welcome on here. We are a very supportive community. X
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