Losing Someone In The Midst of Anger ... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Losing Someone In The Midst of Anger And Finding Myself Again.

EduardoHors3 profile image
1 Reply

It could've been worse, but I now I see how anger can burn everything that you have worked for in a heartbeat. My destructive addictive behavior was almost gone for good. I found people to call friends and I found God where he wasn't suppose to be. Those two things made me feel whole again. They were my beacon of light. Truth be told I felt too alive. I wasn't used to this much love. All my life I have only known pain and frustration. Embracing something you never had can be kind of scary. Maybe that's where I messed up. I didn't want to embrace the new.

Lately things hadn't been working out for me. I set my expectations too high. I became desperate and reckless. I became tired of how everyone saw me like some kind of saint. I became tired of giving and never receiving. Whatever happened to the gift is in the giving? In my eyes I was the hero, but reality is I was far from that. The lies I made myself believe got the better of me. I began to undo the progress I made & I began to let down those who cared about me. I began to fantasize about sharing my pain with others. I didn't want to be no one's hero. I just wanted to be alone, but I was afraid to be alone.

In the midst of my anger I foresaw where I would be if I continued walking this road. I would have nothing left. I made some dumb decisions for the lack of better words. Where I was standing and where I was suppose to be standing were two completely different things. I looked at someone who once believed in me, but she didn't do the same. She just walked away in shame without ever saying anything. The silence was loud without a doubt, and it spoke all that was to be spoken. Once a close friend, now she was just another stranger. This was all because of me.

I realized then that I didn't want to carry on this isolated road. I had too much to live for and many depended on me. Whatever came next I didn't wanted to do it by myself anymore. In the midst of the storm I saw everything that should've been and could've still be. I picked up my sword and shield and walked back into the unknown.

I embrace this new life and all the enemies that come with it. I accept who God intends me to be even if it means putting a bullseye on my chest . This is war. And there is no turning back. The only pain that I accept is the pain that comes from a life worth dying for.

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Try Celebrate Recovery..its all over the world. CHRIST Centered 12 step program for Anyone with a HURT..HABIT..OR HANGUP. Google it..read about it..and see where theres groups in your area. GOD is our source. When we drive life on our own we burn out..

God bless your footsteps today. Keep in touch and let me know your progress.

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