Well I guess this morning has started off ok I still feel my anxiety and depression wanting to take control I’m trying my best to keep a smile on my face as I’m sorting out my children’s school lunch but I know once there at school I no longer need to keep pretending so I guess I’m going to have to take today one step at a time although my anxiety is getting higher by the minute
Good day or not a good day 😬 - Anxiety and Depre...
Good day or not a good day 😬

Good morning my lovely XXX just follow your own advice and take one step at a time. You've got this 👍 don't overthink anything. Have a bath or read a book. Let go of any expectations you had just for today XXX
Good morning to you to and thank you I’m hoping I’ve got this just one way of finding out and seeing how today goes for me xx
Deep breaths and good thoughts xxx
Thank you 😊 well I guess I’ve made it so far but since my children have been home my anxiety is starting to creep back I think it’s with me feeling so ill 🤒 and having to everything for my partner as his just glued to his Xbox to be honest it’s something I’ve never understood as why in the whole 15 years I’ve been with him he has constantly been happier staying in the bedroom all day on his Xbox and I don’t really understand it as his 38 this year I found over a year ago that I have cancer so I’m undergoing treatment and it takes it out of me the hospital are not 100% sure my treatment is going to work as I’ve had it twice already and it’s came back so I don’t know if my time is limited but if that’s the case then why does my partner not want to spend as much time with me as possible or even help me in my hard times I’m fight everything alone 😔
No wonder you're feeling anxious and low. Have you spoken to him openly about how you're feeling? Sounds like you need more practical AND emotional support ❤️ is the X box his coping mechanism? Escapism/denial maybe? Either way it's not helpful to you XXX well done on making it through the day though xxx
Well that is what I asked him but he said no what is there to cope with I just enjoy playing my Xbox so it made think when he said that to me if he really even cares I don’t know myself maybe I would be better off without him but I truly love him he was my first ever true love and my only boyfriend he has had many girlfriends before I came along but he was my first so I feel like I can’t let go even though apart of me is telling me to I don’t know my head feels messed up