I'm honestly terrified of my anxiety and its symptoms. Im tired of over thinking and feeling emotions less or numb. I hate the physical symptoms it gives me and the mental. I'm tired of not feeling like myself, tired of feeling like a stranger. I just want to feel like I used to, to be my old self. I dont feel like me anymore. I cant think well or remember....I feel like im living in a nightmare....is there no end?
Honestly terrified...I'm tired of this - Anxiety and Depre...
Honestly terrified...I'm tired of this

Hello I feel so sorry that you are so young and are experiencing this when you're supposed to be carefree and enjoying life. I know how you feel I hv anxiety as well and every physical symptom I hv I always panic ..i get to a point I'm tired of feeling this way but it never goes . My advice to you is try and keep busy , active with your friends/ family . Take your meds if you're taking any and as I said keep busy there is this saying an empty mind is the devil's playground. I do hope u overcome this .
Hi there, what I have learned is we have moved our thinking into this manner over time, now we just have to revert.
Stop the symptoms in their tracks, replace negative with positive future events. Reward yourself for all victories. Seek help, support groups like this one. Talk with your doctor.
I know what you are going through and it’s so hard, but there is hope and this will pass!!
Hi Lindsey, yes there will eventually be an end to your anxiety. The end of it will be
when you no longer fight and fear the feeling and the symptoms. I know how hard that
is to even think that it is possible right now but it can and will happen.
Whether you are or aren't on medication and having therapy, it all boils down to
accepting anxiety has not life threatening. The thoughts and fear are coming from
your mind that then play into physical symptoms. If you have ever read the book
"Hope & Help for your Nerves" by Dr. Claire Weekes, you will understand better in
how our mind fools us and traps us into thinking we are in danger. But it's not true.
When you start to feel your anxiety rise, talk to it out loud as you wrote in your post.
Challenge it, don't fight it, accept the fact that it has no power over you that you don't
give it. This change of thought will take you down a different path that will lead you
to success. One step at a time but in the right direction will allow you to win this
mind game that anxiety plays with us. xx
Mindfulness calls it distraction when we are overwhelmed with the bad thoughts and only get relief when we can find a way to distract our thinking.
Meditation on a consistent basis does help.
Nothing seems to be consistent in my life. However, I know going on a negative path sure is not helping me. YouTube.com has free guided imagery. You will be using the computer and a set of head phones.
Usually I'm ticking away like a timer and don't want to listen to the talk. I listen while I'm in bed.
When the recording ends and I get up off the bed I do feel better. I didn't say Best. I said Better. Every little bit helps--right?