I'm new to this, the health anxiety and this site. I'm only 22 (female) and I don't want to live a life in fear. I'm hoping that someone out there can help me somehow.
It started out a year and a half ago. I found a dark brown mole, panicked for a week, got it checked out and was told that it was fine and that I was probably born with it. I immediately got relief and started living life as normal until about a year later. Then I found another mole that I knew wasn't there before and it was growing. I went to the clinic and got an appointment with a dermatologist, but it would be 5 months away from that point. Needless to say, I spent those 5 months in torture, convinced I had cancer. I didn't. The biopsy came back benign.
Now here we are. It seems as though as soon as one thing gets cleared in my mind, I start worrying about something else. I went to the clinic again a few days ago because I found a tiny lump under my chin. I stressed about that a lot too. The doctor said it was a cyst and that he's not worried at all.
And now there's a tiny bump under my skin on the palm side of my wrist. I guess it would be the size of a regular pimple (to put it into perspective) and you can only see it if I tilt my wrist as far back as it can go. It's really small, but it's still there and has been for at least a year, probably longer. I can't remember when I noticed it. It's the new thing my mind has decided to stress about. When I first noticed it I just brushed it off. I showed my mom and she felt it and said, "Everyone has lumps and bumps," and didn't seem phased at all. To top it all off, my mom has been a nurse for over 20 years and I assume that if I showed her something alarming, she would tell me to check it out and yet I still worry constantly. I can't turn it off and it's driving me insane.
I need help. I don't know where to turn. Physiologists or other professionals are too expensive for me right now. I have no idea when something is worth worrying about or not. I can't sleep at night, I get nightmares, I wake up just as stressed as when I went to bed. When is it worth worrying? How can I eventually put my mind at ease and get back to the life I used to know before this all happened?