Hi: I'm starting to feel more and more... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Ella_122 profile image
8 Replies

I'm starting to feel more and more sad every day. I feel worthless and like I'm never going to make something out of my life. I know I'm only 17 but I already feel so done. I'm trying to be happy but it's not working. And yes I shouldn't be stressing about future so much but I feel scared cause next year I'm finishing high school and I don't what I wanna do after it. :((

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Ella_122 profile image
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8 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi Ella, try not to worry too much about what you will be doing after high school.

It will all fall into place in it's own time. In that last year of high school you may

get some insight as to what life holds for you right after school. But that can and

will change many times while you mature and learn more about life and yourself.

Whether it's college or working, all the pieces may not fit until later. What ever you

do, follow your heart and pursue your dreams. It doesn't make any difference

if it's next year or in the coming years. These are the best years of your life. Don't

waste them worrying about what's to come. :) xx

Ella_122 profile image
Ella_122 in reply to Agora1

Thank you so much ♥️

Reallife72 profile image

Hi Ella...be kind to yourself and give yourself a break from worrying about it for a few days. Just tell yourself, I’m not going to think about it for a few days. Sometimes you can think clearer when you are relaxed. I have a 16 year old that says the same thing all the time. We have kids that have changed their majors once they started college. Not sure if going to college is what you are considering but if it is I can tell you that once you get there and start meeting new people and talking to your advisors things will become more clear to you about what you want to do. I don’t even do what I went to college for and ya know what? That’s Okay! It will all just happen for you. Feel better!

Ella_122 profile image
Ella_122 in reply to Reallife72

Thanks for replying it helps a lot 💓

Like the other responders have said same thing you are young and try not to worry about it because things are going to change so much for you in the next few years. This will all probably be behind you you won't have this degree of anxiety and depression probably in a few years and life seems to put things in your path when you least expect it job wise and otherwise. The Best Is Yet To Come :-) and I agree with the other person who said try to put your thoughts aside for a while meditation helps to do that and you don't have to stop your thoughts and meditation just let them go but know that you are not your thoughts if that makes sense It helps to put things in perspective.💜💙

pink83737 profile image

I am in the same boat as you ella! but i took a gap year and it gave me a lot of time to think about what i want to do and it was a nice break but i start college in the fall (well I'm hoping) and i hope it goes well, i have social anxiety and i just hope it doesn't stop me. anyways you're not alone and theres so many others that feel the same way! but just get out more and do stuff and explore and what you like and don't like!

Ella_122 profile image

Thank you 💜good luck in college

Zabadi profile image

Hi Ella, I know it is a bit of an overwhelming world out there. I felt that way when I was your age. Humor helps a lot and try to think of life as more fluid than feeling pressured to lock yourself into something. Praying and going to church helped me very much. Hang in there, and practice taking the pressure off, by thinking of things that help you feel relieved of pressure.

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