When you feel really numb and depressed and are aware of it, what do you do to get yourself out of the funk?
How do You "Snap Out of It?" - Anxiety and Depre...
How do You "Snap Out of It?"

I don’t think you can @ snap out of it “ but you can be aware of how you feel and accept it without judgement!
I felt like that today ! I was out shopping and just felt so depressed ! I tried not to judge myself and actually shared with my husband how I was feeling !
I kept doing what I had to do and my mood improved !
Good luck ! Hope you are feeling better 😊
I find that music helps tremendously, it gets me feeling better if you listen to the right music. When no one is around I use music, meditation, call someone, exercise-I don't always feel like it. Get active or read something watch a comedy-laughter is free antidepressant and I usually feel better
I have days where I drop, all thru my life. While I am on an SSRI for anxiety, I can drop inside and It comes on quickly, but probably related to something negative I saw or stress. I immediately do aerobic exercise that day. I also try to do some detailed task like a puzzle to turn off my thoughts. I have also volunteered at a non-profit helping others, which gets me out of my head and lets me concentrate on someone else. Kind of like this site too! Exercise releases endorphins. I also pray to God and let it all out to Him. If you never talk to God, why not try. Then you might be amazed that you feel or experience something back in some small way, from something that pulls you back from your dispair, or an animal or nature that lifts your spirits, or a phone call from a friend, or whatever. Those are all miracles I believe. But we have to have faith and put in the time and energy. Hope something works for you. Take care.
When you find the answer to that question you'll be a bazillionaire believe me. There is no 'one thing fits all fix' for this rotten disease....just going through the motions. We have bad days and some not so bad days....it's a chemical deficiency in the brain that some SSRI's may help with, but other than that......we don't just snap out of it. So called 'normal' people are really good at saying things like that to someone stuck in this crap disease....and what amazes me is that they would think we Wouldn't wish we could just snap out of it.
I was just trying to explain this to someone recently. They wanted me to give a specific reason for a depressive episode I was in through the month of February and most of March. There is no reason for it. I went on to explain the chemical deficiency. It's so hard for people to understand who don't have it. Depression (as well as generalized anxiety disorder in my case), are illnesses that I battle every day. I know I do have some anxiety triggers, but I can't control it.
I had to use the analogy of;..... your disease is no different than if you have diabetes or a heart condition....none of which you can control...
I've used the diabetes analogy before too. It's so hard to make people understand that they are illnesses that I can't control. I'm not choosing to feel this way. I'm so tired of having people say, "just get over it" or "that is just an excuse" because I can't stop worrying, or a depressive episode hit me out of nowhere. So thankful that I have doctors who were so quick to dispel those falsehoods when I was officially diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and depression. I have a couple of really understanding friends, who know and can tell when I'm really struggling, but it's so hard to battle these illnesses every day.
The only one that needs understanding of this disease really is you. No one can walk in your shoes and know how it effects you, even some who have depression will experience it on different levels than you do. So stop looking for understanding and acceptance from people who are not able to give it...and start putting up boundaries on who you share with and don't. Nothing is worse than being put down when your already feeling down...so don't put yourself in that position, eventually you will surround yourself with people who don't judge you, and just accept you, they don't have to understand your disease to at least be compassionate.
You're right. It's just hard when those people who can't give support and think it's an excuse are family members. I actually have been really selective with who I share it with. Apart from those couple of family members, I've only shared it with two friends. This disease is a battle in so many ways.
i think you eventually crawl out of it..what do you do?...you do anything and everything as long as you keep going and move forward..
I start with a prayer and ask for God's help. Then I try to call a good, positive friend or family member that I can talk to. It doesn't matter what we talk about as long as I stay connected to positive people. I then try to give myself one simple task to accomplish and work on from there.