I’ve never had a friend. I push everyone away from me . Regardless , people don’t seem to want to talk to me, no one reaches out, no one texts or calls me , no one cares how I feel .. It’s like I’m an alien or something . I’ve never been in a relationship with a man either. I feel so unattractive . I feel so undesirable, It makes me feel even more ugly and unloved.! I feel like I’ll never meet someone who will accept me for me . I’m always alone... I barely receive human connection with others. I dream about someone loving me as much as I wish I loved myself . I know that I need to work on and hold my own confidence, but I get so sick to my stomach and I cry so often because I’m so lonely
I’m so lonely . It makes me sick - Anxiety and Depre...
I’m so lonely . It makes me sick

Man can I relate to how you feel..I'm now an empty nester..hubby is a trucker gone all week, home for 24 hours...I have no friends, well on here I do, for that I'm so very grateful!
Ya know you must work on loving yourself...it may be a challenge but if you can...wow you will find you will feel so much better about yourself.
Dump trucks of love, peace, light, joy and hugs!!!

What have you did that’s helped you love yourself? Any tips or tricks? Lol
Look into the mirror and say..I love me...do it everytime you come across a mirror...keep feeding positive thoughts into your mind about yourself...I'm sure you have many good qualities...when we get upset...we can dwell on all the negative and that just breeds more negative for us, which doesn't do us any good! I've been dealing with anxiety/depression/ptsd and am an agoraphobic..only been going on for 30 years now...if I'm honest it's been since I was 8...now almost 61! Also be kind to yourself...you deserve that..everybody does!
Dump trucks of love, peace, light, joy and hugs!
I am so sorry to hear you feel this way. I am struggling today with my mental health, I am just so anxious and I can’t settle.
I don’t know you but I am sure that you are not the person you see in the mirror !
If you are not happy with the way you look and the way that makes you feel you are not alone x but you can change it!! You are a wonderful person I am sure and you should try to be kinder to yourself xx
i can so relate to what you are talking about. i have been there/am there, feeling like that, being alone & feeling lonely. we want that connection with someone, we wish for that acceptance, but it is so elusive.
I can relate. What's left of my family is scattered all across the country, and we were never close anyway. As time goes on I've lost touch with a lot of friends. I have a few friends I still talk to but they are so busy with their families and jobs. I spend my days alone here and it does get lonely and depressing. I find myself breaking down occasionally. I just have never found anything to fill my spare time. When I was younger it was sports and later I went back to school. Lots of people have given me good suggestions but nothing captures my interest.
I completely understand you. I use to be passionate about creating YouTube videos and drawing , just doing stuff that interested me . But now nothing interests me lol I’m not even interesting to myself . I sometimes just want someone to talk to, and just feel needed in some way you know ..
I understand - I tried to keep in touch with some people via email but I found myself in situations where if I didn't initiate contact then I would never hear from them. I seemed so one sided and I got to the point I just said the hell with it and didn't bother trying to contact them anymore. I guess it's just the way it goes, you just lose touch over the years.
Yeah I cry and my stomach gives me problems too! I never shared that as I thought I was alone with those symptoms. They say the gut is the second brain. So it would follow that when we are lonely it would affect our physical health.
Loneliness is sadly so common today. Even with a houseful of people I can feel lonely sometimes. Understanding what it is that I need is vital when I get like this. For me it is usually the need of connection. I find that my relationship with God is the only one thing that make me feel a close connection that I am seeking. Find a church, club, or group that can help you make relationships. There is not one person that doesn’t need someone else. -Rachel
I'm confused. Your second sentence says-"I push everyone away from me". But yet you say you are lonely. It takes two you know. You need to reach out to others too, instead of expecting people to come to you, then pushing them away.