My chest always hurts. Blood test, chest X-ray and ekg are all normal. 28 and good blood pressure and heart rate. Even with all signs pointing to anxiety I can’t help feel it’s more. I just want to feel normal because without your health you have nothing. I have no energy and isolate myself only leaving for work. No real close friends and in a bad transition period in my life. Just hope one day I feel better.
Tired of the pain: My chest always... - Anxiety and Depre...
Tired of the pain

Doctors say anxiety and depression are wake up. Anxiety pushes us to strive to do more, depression is to tell you are over doing it, I think it might make sense. Do more or less, listen to your inner self.
It sounds like you are most likely healthy, but this pain is serving you in some way. We don’t always feel what is truly bothering us, it may be some sort of self preservation that gives us pain that we are better able to handle. So the question may be “what am I not feeling when my chest hurts”? What emotions are you drowning out with physical pain and the associated worry? This is where deep self reflection and total honesty will help. A journal may be an important tool. I find that when I write about my feelings (honestly) I can read what I cannot see. Emotional education is something that many of us, men in particular, have missed. We are good at primitive emotions but we don’t identify sad, hurt, or other important emotions. If we do not identify sad how can we fix our sadness?
Just a few things for consideration... I could be way off.
I agree, I’m kinda having a panic attack right now because my heart is being weird & causing bodily/chest pain. I worry that it’s something wrong with my heart even if the dr says everything looks normal with the test results. I hate my anxiety and I never knew it’ll make me physically feel sick. I’m going to try to go to a holistic dr to find ways to relieve stress/anxiety.
It is common to feel this when you have health concerns, it is called health anxiety. I know this feeling in fact I do suffer from it. Even after dozens of tests I did and the results were good I do still have concerns about my heart but again it is the anxiety keeping me thinking that I have something wrong.
This morning I woke up feeling burning sensation and stabbing pain near the heart region, I know it is the acid reflux and my hiatus hernia pushing up trough my chest but still my mind keeps telling me that is a heart problem or going to have a heart attack. It leads me to feel more other body/physical sensations/pain in other regions of my body. I'm trying to be positive and trying not to start the day on a bad note. This should applies to you too, Take care.
I am sorry you feel bad. Transitions in life good or bad stink. Its a state of what do I do now? Where do I go from here? What does my future hold? It can be a very frightening time in our lives. Anxiety and depression can be a wake up call to our bodies. However it can be a growing period. The fear that you are experiencing can be a growth period and a period where you can learn about yourself. Have you thought about a church group? This is a great support and people are genuine and they will support you and let you be yourself. I found good faithful friends in a church group. I am going to leave you something to read about anxiety it helped me. Best wishes and prayers for you.