I am new to the group, I suffer from really bad anxiety and depression. I've had a few things happen in the last few weeks to trigger a deep depression and of coarse the anxiety feeds into it. I've completely lost my appetite and when I do try to eat it makes me feel sick, I feel very spacey and foggy, headaches, really crappy concentration, dont want to get out of bed, racing heart and thoughts, suicidal thoughts when it's really bad, clammy hands and feet, and of coarse all the negative thoughts and feelings. It's nice to know that your not alone and anyone is free to message me with any advice to help or even a kind word will help. Thank you!💕
Hello everyone!: I am new to the group... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hello everyone!

Welcome! I am new today too and I feel like you are describing me. I am so glad we both found this place - I can tell already that everyone is so supportive. Please feel free to message me anytime if you ever need to talk!!

Thank you and I will!! It nice to have people that understand. I get so tired of the "you need to quite thinking about it" talk, it's driving me crazy just in itself ha

Hi Rose welcome to the work I hope you get what your looking for! Regards going to your doctor as I said to khleesi there doctor should be able to help them to get well soon! I wish you the best take care david
Oh my gosh - same here! My family is as supportive as they can be but if it was as easy as just “stopping thinking about it” like they tell me I would have by now! We are in this together!!
Hi khleesi welcome to the group I hope you get the advice you want! I know you said you've got a new depression have you been to your doctor for this! I sincerely hope thing get better for you soon! Regards your other problem remember to go over this with your doctor I wish you good luck and get well soon!
I’m new as well and you are not alone in those feelings. I have pretty severe health anxiety and I also have been dealing with things like losing my appetite and feeling sick around food, headaches, racing heart, sweaty and cold hands and feet and the list would continue. I understand the frustration and I agree it’s good to know you’re not alone.
Hi! I’m 17 and you are describing me just a few weeks ago. Ive made significant progress in the recent months and I have found this site to be a really interesting part of my recovery! I’m glad you’re reaching out! Stay strong 💛
Long walks or runs and chanting om meditations are some of the tools I use. Hopefully you’ll Feel better soon