Does anyone ever feel like they’re a stranger in their own head? Not sure if I’m saying that right. I guess what I mean is I feel like my mind doesn’t work properly and I’m so confused at my actions-a lot of the time. I keep making stupid decisions, regretting them when it’s too late. And I often feel like life came with a manual in a language I don’t understand but most people do.
Head hurts again : Does anyone ever... - Anxiety and Depre...
Head hurts again

Yeah, absolutely, and that's anxiety kicking in. Often, I question my actions while I making them....I am driving through a green light...right...? I can at times feel like I'm on autopilot and it's...well...weird. I also want to add...a lot of what you mention is just part of being human; we all make mistakes and we regret them. It sounds like you might have some social anxiety in there too. Feeling awkward, strange (depersonification), and on and on. But, all is normal, nothing is wrong with you, and sometimes things feel "weird". Just the way it goes. You're definitely not on your own there As long as you still have confidence and self-esteem, as you should, no reason to worry! Take care for now and hope you know you aren't alone in how you feel; I'm definitely still on page one of my own manual. Lol.

Thanks. You made me feel less weird if that’s possible lol. I definitely have social anxiety. I think I act on my emotions too much instead of holding back.
Hi I often think that too - that everyone but me understands life and I somehow missed out. In fact the joke with me and my friends is that not only do our ships not come in but they are leaky rowing boats which sank on rocks before they even set sail!
It's not true of course and your mind is working properly. We all make silly mistakes all the time and do things we aren't supposed to. The main thing is to learn from them and vow not to do them in the future.
Don't forget we are all human beings and are capable of a wide variety of thoughts and actions. We are not computers to be pre programmed you know so try to start learning who you are and what you want out of life. It might not be the good job, nice house, children etc. You might want to go round the world, fly to the moon, or to be an accountant and lead a more humdrum life but it is whatever makes you happy and floats your boat. Caption your own ship and sail to where you want to be. x
I like the boat analogy lol. I’m already married, with two special needs children and I don’t have a career or a house. Just an apartment and a job. I have a lot of stress and I fear that I’m drowning in it to the point that I don’t remember how to feel happy. I know it’s affecting my family but I’m not sure how to fix this.
Focus on single activity you enjoy. Make it your pleasure, life and business.
Then there won't be 10 things to worry about and your mind will get strong structure after a while.