I’m tired of crying, I’m tired of disappointing people, I’m tired of letting people down, getting on peoples nerves, upsetting people, always scared of every body ache and pain I get, crying, tired of being scared, tired of fear holding me back, tired of being me, tired of being alone, I’m tired of my body feeling off and not knowing why, im tired of being tired, I’m just tired man. I can’t do this shit no more 😭
What’s the point: I’m tired of crying... - Anxiety and Depre...
What’s the point

Look its hard but it gets better, ive been there and i still feel terrible sometimes but there is always a solution eventhough u dont see one now, if you want to talk send me a message whatcha got to lose maybe i can help
hi anon,i was just the same as you 2weeks ago,i tried to end it all,it did not work,i ended
in the a@e all night.im glad it did not work,dont ever try it anon believe me its painfull
im over it a bit now thinking thank god I did not die life is very pressious.i try now to help
people with their troubles .I live in Manchester arear of England and looking round now
seeing all the people sleeping rough ,in this snow even I think how selfish I have been,i
have a worm bed to go to,so what ever I can do to help these poor people I will do.
so anon you carnt help eny one when your dead.best wishes from me peek.

Thankyou peek
One of the features of anxiety and depression is that you think you're letting people down or upsetting them, when actually they don't feel that way. Some of the nicest people I know have suffered with depression, but there was no way to convince them that really people liked them. I wonder if they spent so much time worrying about offending people that they became quite sensitive to the nuances of people's feelings, meaning that actually they were very good at getting on with people.
I don't feel free of anxiety and I doubt I ever will be, but it's usually not too bad now. There are a few things I get anxious about but I find I can worry for a bit and then move on. Occasionally something happens that sets it off more generally but I know it will blow over. I think that's the reason to keep going. Eventually you will learn to put your anxiety in a box and keep the lid shut—most of the time.
Just know that you are no expert in life, and thats a good thing , it means there is so much you dont know about life and whats in it that can help u , for me i never thought meditation would help , never thought meds helped never thought counselling and talking to people helped , never thought realizing that my problem is not as big as i thought , i went through hell last month thinking im going to do every single day for weeks until i realized nothing is happening, i became more aware of my problem it still bugs me sometimes, and just thinking about how terrible i thought i was to a point where i would pinch myself as hard as i could and not even feel a thing , i thought constantly that im dying and that its over, then i would wake up and anxoety would kick again , now i wake up calmer , i meditate i do something to try and be productive eventhough it doesnt always work, i always thought people were sick of me and my problems, but they didnt feel that way, trust me all my irrational fears arent real, i thought i was having a heart attack i didnt, i thought my blood pressure and pulse are a sign, turns out its normal to happen when stressed, i thought i didnt have support i was wrong, even here no one is dissapointed in you we think you are so brave to be here, there is so much more to life than this, u havent seen much trust me, for me i think about all the new things coming out that i never experienced, focus on the thigs that are positive and make you happy and dont say there isnt because there is, for me its my dog , my family, helping people , eating and sleeping , just being able to breath is good, u are so much better than people , you are just too focused on others where u forgotten urself, you are fine and your fears are likely to never happen and if they did u get stringer so you can face them , our brains are made to always give us worst case scenarios but in reality it doesnt happen , just be calm , focus on things you want to do , its very hard but it gets easier , for me the tiny successes is just being calm when i get a scary thiught, going to sleep, being able to communicate with people , to distract myself, to eat not feel nauseas all the time, to focus on what i like . All the places and things i want to do and go to ..life is not as scary but it has a scary side , try to surround yourself with positivity too becaue when u analyze your thiught mist of them are just emitions and they are not always true
It's important, now more than ever, to hold on to hope. Keep believing that wellness and happiness can be yours. It's hard to do this when we feel tired, defeated, worthless and sad. I have been in the darkest part of the pit for years and can tell you that there's light on the other side. I never believed that I could feel well again, but I did, through finding the right medications/counseling. Believe that you are a person worth fighting for and there's people here cheering you on.