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My biggest regret in life

Dicksoan profile image
30 Replies

My biggest regret is not going out at all not being wild and have fun and not having sex at all in my teen year and early twenties . I grew up as a good proper boy full of boredom.when my age mares were having fun and sleeping with girls I never did.when they went out to drink I never did.

This I regret so much I wish I can take time back and go and have fun

Most unfortunate thing is that when I eventually did have sex I impregnated the girl and instead of terminating I again chose to do a noble thing and kept the babe but I was not ready to be a father I even married the girl .it is now that I'm starting to have alot of sex yet I feel its not enough...coz I missed out in my younger years. I regret never having sex .its my biggest regret my friends had the best times of their lifes and I did not. Simply because I chose to be a good boy and avoid fornication yet I watched porn and masterbated.I really really regret my lost years of self imposed suffering I wish I can change the hands of time.

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Dicksoan profile image
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30 Replies
ImpulsivelyMe profile image

How old are you now

Dicksoan profile image
Dicksoan in reply to ImpulsivelyMe

I'm 27

Dicksoan profile image
Dicksoan in reply to Dicksoan

With a wife and child. And now I'm sleeping around but safely

ImpulsivelyMe profile image
ImpulsivelyMe in reply to Dicksoan

Oh i missed the part where you're married. Uh well that change things

ImpulsivelyMe profile image
ImpulsivelyMe in reply to Dicksoan

Dude you're talking as if you're 50, you can do all these things you just said. Get a couple of friends plan a trip and go crazy (condoms are your bestfriend)

Dicksoan profile image
Dicksoan in reply to ImpulsivelyMe

OK I'm Gina do DAT sir big time. Thanks

deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to Dicksoan

What? What does that sentence even mean?

AuntBee profile image
AuntBee in reply to Dicksoan

I just wanna say if you go off and cheat on your wife, jeopardizing losing your family, making your kids go through a divorce and damage them for life, THAT will become your biggest regret in life, not losing out on an opportunity for wild teenage sex. You’re a man now, no longer a boy. You must take care of your family. Please think about counseling before it’s too late.

Wait, I’m confused. You’re cheating on your wife by sleeping with other people? 😳

Dicksoan profile image
Dicksoan in reply to

I feel I did bad quick choices and I feel I missed out.I was a loner most of my time and now I feel I need to catch up

Dicksoan profile image
Dicksoan in reply to Dicksoan

Yes I'm cheating on her maybe I'm selfish but that's what I feel I need to do

in reply to Dicksoan

I mean, it’s your life & I can’t judge, we all make mistakes... Does your wife know about your infidelity? I just want you to be careful. That could really escalate into a problem. I was with a guy for ten years & he cheated on me with every girl that you could imagine, & I knew about it, but it broke me down so much. You have to really think about the affects that you have on your wife & yourself. What about her? Is she depressed? How is she handling this? It’s just heartbreaking. What about being honest about what you want & see how she feels? Maybe you guys can have counseling? I just want everyone in the situation to be healthy & happy. Don’t lie & cheat, that’s not going to help you, you know? I wish you the best. 💖💖💖

in reply to

And like I said, no judgement, just a woman’s perspective. My exes cheating broke me down so much that all my self esteem is gone. Don’t be the reason that your woman hates herself for the rest of her life. All good wishes, my friend. Xoxoxo

GreyeyesXander profile image

Rip to binge drinking and making bad decisions with friends especially on spring break. The past cannot be changed

Dicksoan profile image
Dicksoan in reply to GreyeyesXander

But I feel regret sir I feel void inside that I feel I need to fulfil.

When friends talk about their past I always have nothing to say

I think you did great to avoid all the problems that come with that like disease, teen parenthood, alcoholism, drunk driving dangers, drug use, tormenting young love. I would imagine a lot of us are here for the opposite reason reaping the effects of all of the above. I regret all of that for myself. I'm 45 and partied, young sex, broken hearts, chose bad boys. A lot of that shaped me choosing an abusive husband, poor self esteem and major alcoholism in adulthood resulting in damage to myself, my family, my child. If I could have changed all that. You should be proud. Doesn't mean you can't have fun but I think you dodged a bullet.

in reply to

Man, I promise you’re my soul sister. That’s what happened to me too. I was overly sexualized entirely too young, fell in love & chased a bad boy, & I reaped the consequences greatly. I dabbled into drugs & alcohol too. I wish I could take it all back, but I just can’t. It’s just not worth it.

Dicksoan profile image
Dicksoan in reply to

Thanks but I feel like this is why I'm depressed that I did not have a social life

in reply to Dicksoan

I understand. I'm sorry.

deborah27 profile image

Do you think that you can catch up or that there is anything to catch up for? I don't think it's a competition, do you? What about it meaning something? No? If you see things purely for self gratification then you will always feel regret when things don't go your way. You will use terms such as 'impregnate', 'the noble thing', and 'even married the girl...' Well really!

Sorry to hear about your ' suffering' and having to use porn. Sometimes I get a bit bored with being single and then I read something... and then I think YIPPEE!

Dicksoan profile image
Dicksoan in reply to deborah27

What about the void I feel? I feel like life past me by and I watched it

Sunnidayz1 profile image

Im going to tell you like it is:

You are reaching for sex to fill a void. Having sex with everyone will never fill that void. Sounds like you are addicted to it bc it's insatiable.

Deep down in your spirit you know it's wrong. You cant stop bc a part of you is hurting bc you feel you "missed out" when u were younger.

Sounds like you have no control over this desire. It's a problem dude & you need to solve this or else the good things in your life will be gone.

Seek professional help for sex addiction. It's a real thing.

Dicksoan profile image
Dicksoan in reply to Sunnidayz1

Yes I feel I missed out and I also feel like I have not been man enough by fulfilling my desires. True I love sex but maybe you are right about sex addiction but I will think about it

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to Dicksoan

Yes please look into it.

quitter333 profile image

It's not that fun tbh. idk .. I did a little bit of all worlds, and I don't regret anything.. I was good boy, because I loved being determined - studies, sport etc was my shit. Most of "fun" is just repetitive fun under influence. At the end of the day women may want random fun, but they lust over powerful and smart good boys, who behave like mature men (it means you can have fun when you want and are not socially inept, but you rather work on your life, than waste it drinking aimlessly).

Plus - at any age there are things that can be done only then, so you better do those things, rather than think about past. Most people "being wild in their teens" end up being losers without free time in their 20's etc.

How old are you? [[EDIT - 27. kek, you are a kid still. It's entirely your choice how you feel, but if you enjoy regretting and being sad - please do it. :D]]

let's assume you are 40+ - build a house, go hunting et, start a business.

Dicksoan profile image
Dicksoan in reply to quitter333

I don't enjoy regretting that's why I feel I need to make things right

To remove the sadness and guilt.but I even my social life was not that great and I want to make it right. Right now I'm in business but I feel I need to catch up on lost time

in reply to quitter333

Yes!!! Speak the truth! Women really like powerful, smart, & men that might be “bad”, but “good” to us! We want to be the reason men change. We don’t want you to cheat on us or hurt us. We want you to love us & be faithful to us. We actually probably don’t care if you ever look at a girl for the rest of your life again! 😂😂 We would be totally cool with it. I just felt your reply, so I had to chime in. I agree with you, sir!!! You know the deal! Xoxoxo

suzzze profile image

Strangely, I understand what u mean. Worked my butt off for years in school, had zero social life and I feel like I missed out on enjoying my early twenties like my peers. Now I’ve fallen into needing wine to be able to handle the minimal social situations I take on. Kinda wish I would’ve had more fun. Not necessarily sexually... but as far as not needing to be a perfectionist and loosening up a bit for some fun. Please be faithful to ur wife though....

Dicksoan profile image
Dicksoan in reply to suzzze

Thank you that you can relate. I worked my butt of in school with zero social life. Well as a man I think we love sex more so. That's what I want to catch up on. Though yes its wrong to cheat my wife. I will think about this.

Sorry, but what you’re doing now is not noble. By all means sleep around but not whilst you are in a relationship and marriage with your wife. Unless you are honest with her and she accepts what you are doing, it is more noble to end the marriage. It is not fair on your wife to deal with this, women aren’t stupid, they know when a man is cheating. Also, no matter how careful you are, you are leaving yourself, and your wife, open to catching a sexual disease.

As the saying goes, you want to have your cake and eat it too.

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