Helo I'm dicksoan a 27year old male I have chronic depresion. But I want out of it.I'm here for support to help me remove the heavy weight that regularly comes and fatique. Anybody hear what I'm saying?
Intro: Helo I'm dicksoan a 27year old... - Anxiety and Depre...

The best to put the weight down is by talking it all out of you. Talk then
Wow thanks...
I find it very difficult to share my true feelings with people Dats my weakness.great weakness
Hi Dicksoan - you don't have to spell it out - just say if it's a personal relationship or something in your past you can't talk about - it doesn't matter what it is everyone will have an insight on your problem which you can ignore or take heart!

OK well at least here I can say it all coz we are all helping each other out so that I can heal
Yeah! Got it in one. The depression is worse so have you been getting enough sleep?

My depression is that I can sleep all day and night
This intense fatigue and sleep - is it some sort of nervous shock where your body is making you sleep to protect you? Or is it medication which you have started or changed? I remember after a bereavement - all I could do was sleep, then do the chores and shopping and look after the kids . I had to have a sleep in the day.

I think its my body trying to protect me not meds coz even before I started using meds I would sleep and sleep and sleep
So my objective is to kill the source of my depression
Because meds helps a lot yes but they just remove symptoms but don't deal with root cause so I want to eliminate Root cause with your help guys
Don't mind me asking but have you had any other medical tests within the last six months?
Chat tomorrow - off to sleep had virus.

Good night see you tomorrow
Hi - did you know you are more likely to feel sleepy at certain times of the day - say if you have eaten lunch. Some people drop off to sleep after a meal. The root cause of your sleep may be to do with your general health such as a virus - it can take weeks and months for some people to get over a chest and bronchial virus.
The medication might upset your sleep patterns, - this happened to a friend of ours who took one antidepressant and was out for the count for 48 hours. That gives you hope doesn't it?

Yeah a lot of hope sir

Nop only HIV testing by in last 6months
Test clear?

Yes clear
That's good news - what do you think you ought to do if the drug is making you too sleepy?

At this time I'm not taking drugs at all. I want to try therapy and see if I can manage without drugs. Because this government mental institution has doctors that don't alway listen to your concerns. Because as you know that mental patients don't like taking medication so whenever you say you want to try something they refuse coz they think you just want to stop meds for no reason
Hi Dicksoan and welcome. I also suffer from chronic depression and find it very difficult to open up. This is a safe and judgement free place to talk with so many wonderful people. You'll find understanding, compassion, caring, advice, suggestions, etc.
You can share whatever you need or want, in as much or as little detail as you want. Joining this group is a good first step to help yourself. I don't share much but I chat with a few people regularly and find it's a little easier to open up some privately.
I also find it helpful to write things down in a journal. Especially things I can't talk about. It's a way to release some of those feelings we keep so tightly locked up.
I wish the best for you and hope you find this group helpful.

Thank you so much lolly I really appreciate your support.
Yes I'm here to share whatever gives me concern bcoz this is an anonymous platform where I cannot be judged ridiculed or laughed at.I will share what ever so that I heal
Talking and writing can be very therapeutic. We won't judge and it's good to get it out. Most people don't get it or are put off so I feel at home here. Counseling is good too if you have access. I sleep a lot to escape too but I have a busy life so it's hard to find the time. It is an escape that makes things worse overall. Try to fill your time with other things more often and put some time boundaries on sleep. The less you sleep the less tired you will become. It's also really bad for your metabolism and causes slow digestion and weight gain or malnutrition if you are sleeping through meals. Eat regularly and get out some, maybe take a walk or go the park if weather permits. You gotta force yourself at first but it really changes your mood.

Thanks a lot much appreciated. I now go out more and I'm always looking for things to take away stress from me.
I focus more on positives no more on negatives cause I have learned that they too make one sick.so in every little detail of life I look for joy not sadness anymore
Heh there - as you have not had any tests other than for a virus for six months - can you contact your pharmacist to ask for suggestions on why your metabolism is so slow?
Your diet might be a clue to your sleep problem - junk food fries fizzy drinks white processed bread, dough nuts cakes fast food fried in batter - can play havoc with your hormones particularly the stress hormones cortisol which have receptors in your stomach.
Every knows about these high carbs and fizzy drinks but I only found out recently that the high sugar in fizzy drinks reacts like cocaine in the brain. When we feel down we turned to comfort foods - our hormone response is dulled, so the receptors just trigger eating more carbs. After a big meal the sugar and all the foods take a while to digest, and we may become sleepy after a satisfying meal. So small meals at regular intervals, without the junk food may help your sleep patterns. As you love looking for stress busters there is nothing better than walking, and bird watching. Expect you have a routine - it's working out how many hours a day you are sleeping and why. If it is cold folk go to bed to save on heating in cold weather. We have found this winter we have had a lot of bugs so we sleep in the afternoon. We are pulling out of it now after several weeks of cold and wet weather.
Sugar, unload as much as you like. People are here, and will support as much as possible.