I feel like no one cares or understands about pain. No one is interested in being a boon or an ally to someone in pain. It feels like we are all alone and we are all selfish.
How I'm feeling: I feel like no one... - Anxiety and Depre...
How I'm feeling

Pain is so hard to cope with...
I care and I understand! You really aren’t alone if you think about it, so many people deal with anxiety in life
Are you talking about physical pain or emotional pain.
It’s not true that no one cares, you will find a lot of caring people on this site, but it’s hard in general to find others who care or to bridge the gap. That’s why I’m glad you found this site, this forum.
Feel free to message me anytime.
Emotional pain. I have a lot of neglect and abandonment issues.
People care, I care, you can vent to me anytime
What I am afraid of is expressing my pain as anger. That never ends well. On the other hand, I hold my emotions back the majority of times... It seems like an unhealthy cycle. I hope to break it by venting positively in this group... again hopefully, in a safe space.
I can understand what you are saying BUT the right people are out there. Ive met some sh*tty people in my life, believe me. And I had to learn how to make friends with good people and let go of the ones that were just bad. On this site, you'll find everyone is honest and open about their feelings. Good people here. You are not alone here.
Take care & continue to share your feelings here, it's therapeutic.
I hope to become a stronger person by letting out all the barbs in my psyche, letting go of the pain... That's painful all on it's own, and it's frustrating... Newly I'm trying to learn to be patient with myself, to forgive myself for inadequacies and slowness to change. I want to change... I'm devoted to it, to being a healthier version of myself... I just need a safe space to help me grow.
I am well familiar with what you are going through. I've had trust issues all my life as far as allowing others into my deepest emotions. But, you found the right place, right people, right time. Use it. Get that negative stuff out of you. If you dwell on it, its poison to you. My fiance, Sue and I will both pray for you. We're all here for you. The other option I offered would help you out a lot too. Be safe & happy, S42.....
I will chat to you Skydreamer...
I am sorry you are feeling alone. I hope reaching out here you are finding the truth that you are thought of and not all alone. I am happy to chat and pray with you here.
Many understand pain. It is important when you lived it, that you use it to minister to the heart of others. If you want resources for certain kinds of help please let me know.
Praying for peace in your heart, for divine support to come into your life and relief from pain in Jesus name.